Friday, March 14, 2014

Reliable, Considerate And Humane Workstation Assessments

By Kendra Hood

The industry that created the middle class in America is now seen to be in terminal decline. Working in a factory sounds boring, dangerous, and dead- end. Where non-profit institutions differ most from profit-seeking institutions is not in pursuit or receipt of money but in a particular range of their options in deciding what to do with it.

Following the appropriateness of workstation assessments business owners have improved the conditions of all employees to ensure safety and minimize injuries. Your job probably was on the farm or close to where you lived. Today, research shows that employees have hundreds, if not thousands, of workplaces to choose from, if they do not mind commuting. They can choose to work remotely or for themselves. Thanks to the Internet, they may not even need a physical store or office to conduct business.

Pay is not a retrospective reward for merit but a prospective incentive for contributing to production. Given the enormous range of things produced and the complex processes by which they are produced, it is virtually inconceivable that any given individual could be capable of assessing the relative value of the contributions of different people in different industries or sectors of the economy.

It might be your dream to time the market, for obvious reasons. A successful market timer does not have to have any skill at picking stocks since market timing alone will deliver extraordinary returns. In fact, there is immense payoff that can come from timing the market well, and this payoff to timing the market makes all of us easy victims for the next market-timing sales pitch.

Rules which look to improve the appointment, training, induction, commitment, and independence of directors give greater authority to risk officers, auditors, and risk committees, improve alignment of managerial incentives with the interests of stakeholders, strengthen communication between shareholders and management, and increase shareholder engagement and stewardship by investing institutions, all sound like motherhood and apple pie. How could they possibly be anything other than a good thing?

To answer that, it is first worth noting that the financial institutions that took the greatest risks and performed the worst in this recent financial crisis were those with the best corporate governance measured by the above criteria. Improving corporate governance would have led to worse performance in the financial crisis.

Workplace inspections enable the employer to guarantee comfortable areas that promote safety and eliminate injuries that may be costly to the company in form of claims for settlement of damages. Manufacturing is crucial to the development of any country. Installing strong ladders and scaffolds while eliminating slippery tiles can reduce the occurrence of slip and fall accidents.

Two cases involving negligence on the part of auditors suggest that proximity may not extend as far as future as against current investors or creditors as against shareholders, neither party being able to recover losses from the auditors. Furthermore, it is equally rational for companies anticipating potential problems in the future to distribute as much as they can to their current shareholders so that there is as little as possible left in the business to pay out in compensation to the victims of the devastation that they have caused.

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