Saturday, June 7, 2014

Short Story Ideas That Would Be Useful For Beginner Writers

By Kathleen Stine

Writing short stories is definitely no cakewalk as there is a long process that one would have to follow before even coming up with the plot. These tips on how to be a writer for short stories will be able to help beginners follow a certain process that will help them be able to properly come up with a plot and then keep on going from there. Now before creating stories, do take note of these short story ideas or tips.

Now what most do not know is that coming up with the plot is actually the hardest thing for a writer to do. Now the plot is not just something that will appear in the mind of a writer in just a few seconds. A writer has to look for the plot and try to formulate the synopsis in his head which will actually take a long process to do.

Now in order to come up with a very good plot, one has to first go through a conceptualization process wherein he will be collecting ideas. To do this, he has to whip out a small notebook and start writing just about everything that he can think of that would help. This is called free writing as it will allow the writer to write down anything he feels.

After collecting ideas, one should then look into his notebook and start connecting his thoughts. Now his thoughts can actually come from anywhere whether it would actually be an actual event that happened, a story he already read before, or probably even an event that happened to someone else. So all the thoughts that are in the notebook should now be filtered and combined.

Now upon collecting some of the thoughts in one place, one would most likely already have an idea of the flow of the tale. Now once he already knows it, then he may now create a short outline sequencing the events. Now as for the format, one can just find a format on the internet and just fill in the blanks.

Now the outline would usually be composed of an introduction, the beginning, the climax, and the ending. Now there are also other small twists that may happen in the story aside from the main twist in the climax. Once one has filled this up in the outline, then he may fill the other parts as well.

Now from there, one has already created his very first draft. Now with the first draft, one may start editing and adding a little bit of style to the writing to make it a nicer read. Now it will take a bit of writing skills and editing skills so that one will be able to add a little bit of spice to the piece.

Now most writers do not like to edit because they think it is one big hassle. However, one should keep on editing until he feels like there is nothing wrong. Also, get a third party writer to take a look at it and give some feedback as well.

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