Monday, June 16, 2014

Tattoo Ideas For Foot

By Darren Hartley

There are disadvantages to foot tattoo ideas. One of them is foot and hand tattoos have a tendency to be more painful than tattoos on any other spot on the body. This stems from the general notion that a tattoo done on a place where the skin is close to the bone hurts a little bit more.

Ink migration is a concern when it comes to foot tattoo ideas. Foot tattoos have a history of greater incidence when it comes to this. Ink migration refers to the spreading of the ink over time, eventually blurring the tattoo design. While this is possible with all tattoos on any part of the body, it is definitely more common in foot tattoos.

One problem for foot tattoo ideas is the healing time required for tattoos which is more or less two to three weeks. During this time, a wearer of a foot tattoo cannot wear shoes or even socks, for that matter. If you are a working or studying person, this means you might need to take time off from work or school.

The feet, as everybody knows, are harder to keep clean than other parts of the body. It is fairly rare to get an infection from a tattoo of professional quality. However, it is quite possible. The realization of foot tattoo ideas makes it slightly more likely.

Swimming is not a sport to engage in as far as foot tattoo ideas are concerned. Take a break from this sport for a while until the foot tattoo is completely healed. Even walking may be a bit difficult during the first few days after getting the tattoo.

Here is a summary of the disadvantages to foot tattoo ideas. First and foremost, foot tattoos are painful. They have a tendency to blur more easily than tattoos on other parts of the body. Their process of healing takes a longer period of time.

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