Tuesday, July 8, 2014

For Best Graffiti Removal Aurora Is The Place To Go

By Rosella Campbell

Graffiti has always been part of the urban society for a long period of time. However, it is currently losing popularity as areas with it are being marked as low socio-economic locations. This translates into lower house rents and stigmatization of such areas. Such areas are also characterized with violence and gang activities. Graffiti can last on a surface for a very long time unless it gets removed. This has led to development of methods of dealing with this problem. Therefore when in need of elegantly done graffiti removal Aurora is the best place to check out.

In public places, the activity of removing graffiti remains the responsibility of local authorities. Most local authorities consider these marks as destructive to beauty and hence the practice is outlawed. People found applying the marks in public places are normally charged heavy fines as a way of discouraging the practice.

Processes applied in removal fall under three major classes, that is, paint out, physical methods like sandblasting and scratching, and chemical methods. These methods involve using tools like paint scrappers, safety glasses, trash bags, cotton rugs, brushes, kitchen cleaning solutions, and dust masks. Paint out technique involves concealing the marks by applying paint over them. This is achieved by applying two or more paint layers.

Paint out is the cheapest and easiest method of solving this problem. It works best on rough surfaces or those that are already painted. Repeated application is discouraged because, when the paint layers grow heavy enough, they peel off to show the marks again. Paint out is also inefficient on specific surfaces like glass because it causes patchwork effect after a long time.

Chemical solutions have the ability to remove graffiti totally from a surface making them effective for use on a variety of surfaces. They are applicable on glass, walls, wood, floors, metal, and plastics among others. The chemical used must however be compatible with the surface before applying it. This is important to avoid damaging a surface due to incompatibility of the chemical used and the material of a surface.

When applying the chemical, time should be allowed for it to react. Chemicals act by breaking down the bond linking the graffiti to the surface. When the reaction has gone to completion and the bond is completely broken down, the debris that results can be wiped off with a rug. It should be understood that the chemical continues to penetrate deeper into the material over time. Exposure time should therefore be kept lowest if the surface is sensitive to chemicals.

Most chemicals also act faster when the temperature of the surface is higher. The temperature can therefore be raised to accelerate the rate at which the process occurs. It is also better to test the product on a small portion of the surface before applying it to ensure that it is compatible.

Sandblasting is a method suitable for use on hard surfaces. Various abrasives are suitable for various surfaces. This process can be done at home if instructions are followed well otherwise it is better to hire professionals to do it.

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