Friday, July 11, 2014

Origin Of The Word Yahweh

By Coleen Torres

During the primordial Israel, their divine being was given precise tags such as Jehovah. Yahweh was deliberated as sacred and thus the Tetragrammaton YHWH was used instead to be a reminder to the people to use the name Lord instead. Nevertheless the title Jehovah came to be used over time. Professors say that Moses in the bible was the one that uncovered the label for use by his folks for the duration of travel from Egypt.

Scholars argue that the tetragrammaton YHWH should be translated to mean I am who I am. This is because based on etymology it is believed to have been a verb in the ancient days meaning to be. This meaning can be backed up as it fits contextually in the books of Exodus and John. The pronunciation is however not known as in ancient Hebrew writing vowels were not included.

He is also recognized as the God of the desert, which can be comprehended from the bible as the Israelites were crossing to Canaan from Egypt. When they settled conferring to the account, devotion as the singular deity was inducted across the land-dwelling. It was communal practice during that age that every single divinity was only accessible in the land where He presided. Greece gods did not exist in Egypt and so did Egyptian gods exist in Greece.

Been part of the Israelite beliefs, it is also supposed that He had a spouse identified as Asherah. Monotheism is therefore seen as a late occurrence, transient through dissimilar steps before stanch monotheism developed as the convention happening through Babylonian Exile. Differing from other gods, Israelite did not use idols to represent their god. This was due to the leadership of the Hebrew that got rid of several practices such as worshiping while facing the mountain and Holy grounds over time.

During the progression into Canaan by the Hebrew it is assumed that the first inhabitants of Canaan were polytheistic. Aggression however was not available amongst the inhabitants. The theological story is however seen to be in contradiction of philosophies of people of Canaan.

The name is also seen to have been in use until the 6th century. That is during the time when King Nebuchadnezzar defeated Canaan which came to be known as Judah. The captives of war were, artists, priests and other intellectual elites. The priests began to gather people in synagogues instead of traditional temples to give instructions to the youth and practice their inherent language. This preserved the Hebrew culture and with it name of their God.

When the monarchial period of rule ended, the Hebrew custom started experiencing changes. The appellation was not voiced and only used during celebrations by the priests. It was used with additional terms with assorted inference such as, mekoddishkem, saboath, and nissi amongst others. The prominence of the heading is that it ascertains Gods existence. He is seen that He sought after that his relationship with his followers was not formal but instead personal.

In closing, in prehistoric times, a character of a person can be told by the name that was given to them. This term is hence seen as conveying the character of always been available to his people by the Israelite god.

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