Saturday, July 5, 2014

Tips To Get The Best California Seasonal Produce

By Rosella Campbell

The common farm produce that are seasonal are fruits and vegetables. These are some very healthy food that is necessary in the health of people. California is a major state that produces the seasonal farm produce in most parts of United States. Because there are many suppliers it is important to have some ideas on how one can get to find the best California seasonal produce.

Because of the importance of these items in the diet of most people, there is a regular visit to the stores to buy them. Without the knowledge of how to know the ones which are fresh, one can easily walk out of a store with low quality items. This will make it hard for one to keep them for long because they will not last long when not so fresh. Having the right knowledge will therefore be helpful.

It is important for a person to first of all learn when the produce is grown in this state. This will be a good guide for you to choose the ones that are really in season. In most cases if you buy the fruits or vegetables that are in the specific season, be it winter or summer, you will definitely be buying the best produce. There are ways you can get to know what is grown at every season, which is during winter, spring or even during summer.

If you go through the internet, you will be able to learn about the seasons at which they are grown. This will be a good way to get the freshest items. Together with this knowledge there are still other better ways that can put a person in a better position of knowing the items that are in good shape in the store. Most of them will be firm and not wrinkled. This is a factor that you should consider looking at especially in fruits like apples and other products like peas.

It is good to make sure that you get to smell the items before purchasing. Smell is one of the best ways to tell if the items are fresh. You will find that many items that have stayed in the stores for long will not have the fresh smell and the fresh ones will have the smell of freshness. Items like lettuce and fruits will be crispy.

Make sure you look on the color. This is one of the guidelines that will help a person pick the items that are in good shape. This is in terms of freshness and also the ones that are not spoilt. Many items that do not have a good color will mean that the items are either spoilt or have stayed in the store for a long time and lost their color.

Make sure you know where the farm produce the store is selling is from. This will enable you to know if the items are in season or not. This information can be found from the internet whereby most of the stores have given their details. Another way will be to place your order direct from the suppliers.

Consuming fresh produce means that one will be healthy. It is therefore necessary to be in the know on what freshness means when it comes to seasonal farm products. This will help you to always pick the best.

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