Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Read This Article For Quick, Easy Gardening Tips

By Johnathan Black

Besides serving as a hobby, gardening can help you to save money, as well as, creating a more beautiful home. Whether you want to plant flowers, vegetables, fruits, or all three, there are definite benefits to starting a garden. Read this article for some tips on how to successfully maintain a garden and reap the benefits.

It is obvious that plants require water to grow. It's also important to know the amount of water that particular plants actually need. Overwatering or under-watering a plant can severely damage its growth and health. Overwatering can result in root rot, where the water-filled environment encourages the growth of microbes that eat away at the roots. Under-watering a plant can make it's leaves dry and brittle.

Choose plants and flowers that complement the colors of your home. Flowers that are pink or fuchsia, may go very well with your burgundy shudders. Tying in the colors of plants and flowers that you choose to harmonize with your house, will save you a lot of time at the garden center by simplifying your plant choices.

Design your garden so that your harvest is staggered over as long a season as possible. Use cold-tolerant root crops and greens in the fall, for example, and plan to pick and preserve early strawberries in June. This way, you will have the space and time in your life to store everything you grow.

Plant your garden in stages. Put in a new vegetable every week, or plant vegetables with different maturation speeds when you do your planting. This helps prevent you from having a large harvest all at once, and will better allow you to enjoy the fruits (and vegetables!) of your labors.

If your green thumb starts to wilt during those long winter months when your garden is buried beneath a foot of snow, learn how to grow microgreens to provide yourself with fresh, healthy salads, sandwich toppings and garnishes all year round. Microgreens require very little sunlight and are easy to grow indoors. Some common microgreens include kale, dill, basil, spinach, and chard.

While growing your own fruits and vegetables can save you money on produce and cut grocery costs, growing flowers can give you a sense of pride. Watching something grow when you have taken care to protect it, can make you feel useful. Remember the tips in this article to start your own garden today.

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