Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Alcohol Abuse Self-Help

By Dave A

How to Stop Drinking Liquor

Most people who abuse alcohol know the reasons why they need to give up drinking, but the how continues to puzzle even this most diligent person among us. Its possible that you have lost lots of jobs and have legal problems. Maybe your significant other has dumped you or your family is tired of your behavior. All reasons why you need to look at your drinking and seriously think about stopping.

If you even suspect you have a problem with alcohol, you probably do. A lot of 'normal' people don't just wake up and say, "I think I have to quit drinking." Denying it won't change the fact that there is a problem.

If there is a Magic Pill to quit drinking, an alcoholic would definitely buy one. Or perhaps a hypnotist to 'reprogram' your need for alcohol. If you would like to go back to when you actually began drinking liquor, a time machine would be helpful.

The fact of the matter is there is no fast and easy method. To quit drinking alcohol, you need to go through a process to learn how to live without alcohol. The phase of craving for alcohol can be lengthy and painful for some individuals. The great news is there are strategies and tools which can help you succeed. . The pain and discomfort others experience is minor. Many alcoholics have tried to give up once or twice in their lives. Physically yearning for alcohol is something one can go through for years. You would not succeed if you do not learn to live a life with no liquor. For every one thousand alcoholics, only one stays sober for at least two years. If you're determined enough then you can be that ONE.

Yes, a lot of people will fail if they don't quit drinking in a considered, systematic way.

First, you need to convince yourself that you need to stop drinking.

It can help if you write down all the reasons you can think of to quit drinking liquor. Do not leave anything out, tell the whole story. This consists of those humiliating times and the individuals whom you have hurt emotionally as well as physically. Keep it and make certain to read it when you feel like giving up the objective of stopping drinking liquor.

If you need more convincing then think of the money you can save if you stop going to bars and purchasing liquor. With the legal fees, you could bring home your whole income. Make certain you have the numbers right when you check your credit card statements and budget. Whether its mentally, physically or financially; alcohol abuse is detrimental in lots of aspects.

Truthfulness is vital in order to be successful and completely recover from alcohol abuse. You would know when its the correct time to give up.

Get to a Doctor

Your doctor will assess the damage you've done to your body. A doctor could also give suggestions on how to stop drinking. Its either doing it by yourself or going to a hospital with medical supervision.

Tell People (that understand)

Telling those you trust that you will quit drinking liquor can also help since they will understand and help you. Most individuals are flattered and will be there to support and help you throughout the hard period.

Its Vital to Attend Meetings

One place to be with individuals who have gone through what you're experiencing is the 12 Step Meetings. Begin by looking for 12 Step Meetings near your area. Different kinds of individuals with different types of problems attend various types of meetings. Go to a lot of meetings all around your neighborhood; as a matter of fact, you ought to go to 90 meetings within 90 days. In these meetings, you would be given vital info about stopping.

Congratulations on getting to this point in your drinking career. I wish you all the luck in the world; this really is the beginning off the rest of your life.

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