Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Process Of Choosing A Promotional Swag

By Lelia Hall

Through promotion, the awareness on a product is raised to the consumers. Sales will be generated and brand loyalty will be created. This will consequently raise the demand in the market. Promotional swag is important when differentiating products. There are several ways of product promotion. It can either be personal all through the media. It is more expensive and time consuming when it is personal.

Transmitting of non personal communication through a mass media is known as advertising. Newly produced goods needs to be advertised. This will help in making sure that the customers will know of its existence. Rational choice making will be facilitated. Consumers search costs, which also includes time are reduced since the retail location and qualities of products are given. The choosing of a brand is made easier.

A free promotion through stories in newsletters, newspapers, magazines and television is achieved through publishing. The cheapest means that this process can be performed is by using magazines and newspapers. The use of television basically provides information just about the existence of a product through image orientation. Most people in the population use television and radio as a source of information. Therefore, this is the best place to create a high attention.

Sales promotion is usually being targeted to various known initial buyers of a product or even upcoming ones. The details of these buyers are with the seller and therefore, he can facilitate the process through direct mailing. The activities involved in this type of promotion are neither found in personal selling nor in the advertisement. They include; trade allowances, volume discounts, coupons and exhibits.

When considering the idea of carrying out these strategies, you must consider the capital to be used. The measurement of effectiveness in promotion and media costs is not easy and therefore, the allocation becomes difficult. Measurable objectives should always be stated clearly. The method to be used must be cost effective, appropriate and effective in being compatible with the marketing strategies that are competitive. It is affected to the group of those that are intended to be the future buyers.

In order to avoid loses that may be incurred from poor management of this process, only the best strategy should be implemented. It will entail attributes such as how the customers will react from it, the goals of the firm, comparison of costs and benefits, the outlay budget among more. Higher profits are the major target of every profit-making firm. Therefore, costs should always be at the minimum.

The media that are most likely to reach the target audience should be used. Promotion could be in terms of quantities, prices and qualities. Products could be offered at a low price or huge discounts allowed to the customers by the producers. Customers who had not used a product before may be triggered to use it in the promotion process. The attributes being promoted should be easy to understand.

Profits could reduce initially but will eventually rise with good strategies. This implies that most customers are now aware of the required information. Competition raises the costs of promotion. The products being promoted should meet the tastes and preferences of the customers.

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