Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Building Personalized Handmade Tomato Cages

By Zelma Hurley

Tomatoes are in demand in the market. If you are into business selling this commodity, then you have a big reason to take care of your plantation really well. But even maintaining a small yard with this plant needs utmost care as well. Tomatoes grow easily. To make sure that they grow clean and guided, you will have to create support materials for them.

Creating those accessories can be done at home. All you need to do is to secure the materials for handmade tomato cages. Planning will of course play a huge part in creating a good one. Your creativity will also be of use.

Of course, there are also units that are readily available in the market. You can buy them easily if you want. But if you are planning to have many cages, then might as well created them at home and save money. As mentioned, the materials used for this are simple. When making some, you can start by thinking about the following.

Size. You need to plan this out carefully to make sure that the tomatoes are not crushed inside the cage. Take time to get the measurements. Provide some extra space. If they are planted on the same time, then you may not need to do individual measurements.

Decide on the main material that you want to use. The Most recommended one are the wires. They can easily be bent and can be readjusted according to what you want. However, you also have other alternatives like the wood and even thing plastic sticks. Its more like your convenience on this part. Woods are more sturdy but you cannot bend them.

Design. If you value the good looks of the cage, then you are better of considering this matter. You can make it into something rectangular, cone shaped and circular. You can even make use of that typical bird cage format as a guide.

Number of units. The question of how many do you need comes here. The more you have to build, the more time you have to spent building them. In this case you may want to ask the help of some members of your family for assistance. If they are not doing anything important, they may even find this entertaining.

Maintenance. This is considered as a minor thing, but matters a lot in the long run. One secret to a long lasting material is the amount of care you give it as a user. Schedule some time to take a look at them to see if there are any problems. By then, you can address it as early as you notice it.

Creating cages for your tomatoes is among your responsibilities as the owner. Grow them well and enjoy a great harvest. There is no need to spend so much. If you can rummage your store room and find some raw materials that you can use, then go for it.

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