Thursday, March 26, 2015

Reasons For Product Management Training

By Lelia Hall

Communication that cuts across the market as well as ease in passing of information among the various departments has been an issue of concern for firms. This has resulted to product management training. This is due to the fact that most managers tend to be market-driven. They keenly observe the market trend, listening to the market and coming up with appropriate solutions to the various problems that are faced in the market.

Most executives want to be market-driven. They do not want to be driven by marketing departments. There exist a significant difference between listening to the market and listening to the various marketing departments. People in the marketing department after all do not purchase the commodities on sale themselves. Most of them also do not understand the product sold and are thus given the attention they normally do not deserve at all. Thus training is important to ensure conformity in the various departments towards a common goal.

The concept of being market-oriented, that is, you are driven by the various problems that are answered in a market focuses on the needs of consumers rather than the capabilities or potential of a company. Instead of putting much focus on the firm and its commodities, an executive focuses on what the customer concerns are. A product manager is thus the voice of all the consumers in a market. The company thus defines itself by the consumers they want to serve and not what it is able to produce.

Risk reduction is also another area of interest for each and every firm. Product management helps in reducing exposure to risk. Close observation of the behavior of a firm enables the manager to establish some degree of certainty in the market. This reduces the risk of variation on the various variables present in a market. This thus promotes some level of stability in sales of an organization and the general end result is increased profits and greater market coverage.

Communication is a crucial element towards achieving goals of any firm. The ability of the manager to communicate to various departments is essential towards achieving a common goal in an organization. Through some training, the manager is able to communicate to the policy implementing persons of the firm. The developers are not only fed with information of ventures in the market but also the strategies they should employ in implementing them.

Product managers pay more attention to issues regarding the requirements in a market. Training in commodity management is a very sensitive issue in a firm that wants to direct the efforts of all stakeholders towards achieving a common goal. Information is collected from different categories of consumers. This solves the problem of information asymmetry.

Marketing is normally thought to be sales in most cases. Thus people involved in sales are regarded as a reliable source of information about the market. They speak to consumers all the time. However, they do not listen to what the customer want or requires.

Product management education is thus very important to every firm that wants to cater for the needs of all its customers. This is because it is able to focus on the vast needs of the customers both at a group as well as at an individual level.

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