Friday, March 27, 2015

Quick Beauty Tips For Moms

By Lelia Hall

Mothers are often busy with housework, taking care of kids and also going to work. They have to juggle through all these activities and at the same time take care of the family. With all these work, it can be hard to find time to take care of yourself and look good as a mom. However, there are some quick beauty tips for moms that can they apply to maintain their good looks especially when running late for work or just going out.

First of all, you need to give yourself sometime in the morning to work on your appearance. It is true that time is of the essence but for you to look beautiful and attractive you also need time. So, you could push your waking time to early in the morning to take care of all the housework then remain with some time to work on your appearance. If you neglect your appearance it will be very evident, and you would want to look unkempt before your friends, at work or kids' school.

A woman's hairdo defines her. If you have a complicated hairstyle, it will be difficult to maintain amidst all the work you have. You can, therefore, opt for a short haircut such a bob or a pixie cut. But if you have long hair, it is not hard to maintain it; you can make a ponytail out of it. It will only take you five minutes, to comb and brush it. Moreover, a headband can be used to hold hair out of your face.

In stores, you can also get several stylish hair clips, ponytail wraps, and headbands. In addition, let your hairstylist know about your plan and she or he can advice on the products to use and how to maintain it without using a lot of time. A hat will also help you if you do not have to brush your hair.

Makeup is also imperative for every mom. Although it takes quite some time, you do not have to avoid it but can just cut back a little. In the morning, wash your face then apply tinted moisturizer. Afterward, just put on some blush, a little lip gloss, and a twist of mascara. With these few makeup tips that will take you almost ten minutes, you will be right to go.

Nails are additionally important for a chic look. Although you may want long nails with complicated polish, it may not be easy to maintain. Therefore, settle for short nails which are trimmed nicely and layered with clear nail polish. Trimming nails and applying nail polish does not have to take a whole lot of your time; you can do so during your free time.

An elegant look cannot be completed without an elegant outfit. Trying out clothes in the morning may not be an option for you due to your tight schedule; alternatively plan your outfit for each day of the week when you are free. When you plan outfits for the whole week, you can match and mix your clothing and leave time to pair them up with accessories.

Finally, a smile is a great complement to an elegant look. Putting on a smile in the midst of all challenges boosts your self-esteem. Therefore keep that smile and follow the above tips to make you a beautiful mom.

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