Friday, February 19, 2016

Essential Tips For Caring For Potted Bamboo Plants For Sale

By Larry Ellis

When many customers are visiting your shop, you are more likely to get good returns. However, this can only happen when you are doing the correct thing. People who are selling plants have to be careful to avoid killing them. Puncturing holes at the bottom of the pot allows excess water to flow out of the potted bamboo plants for sale.

The mix should be suitable. You should not fill the container with soil from your garden or backyard. Such a move may introduce diseases, seeds, and insects which can cause harm to the plant. You can get the product from the stores. It is lightweight and also loose. Besides this, it contains vermiculite, decomposing matter, and even peat moss.

To note is that every plant will not do well in such a mixture. Therefore, it is upon you to conduct your research and learn about the ideal conditions for the plant you are dealing with. Time-release fertilizers and moisture-retaining pellets should be present too. Therefore, you should add them to the mixture if they are not present.

You have to cater for different places. Remember that not all your customers will be coming from your local area. Therefore, you need to have plant-life that can still do well outside of that climate. Plant tags and books can give you a lot of information. Remember that you are supposed to give advice to your customers. Most of them will blame you if they take the plant home only for it to die.

It is a common occurrence for different plants to be combined in one pot. However, it has to be done after serious considerations. If you pick the plants to be potted together anyhow, you will end up killing one. Also, you should not fill and water big pots if they are not at the appropriate location. Moving them will require many people who might not be present at that time.

Even though holes at the base of the pot are crucial, they can lead to erosion of the soil. Thus, they have to be covered with broken pieces of a pot to ensure that only water is passing through. Also, evaluate their watering needs before you pour water on them. Flooding might result to their death.

The plants have the tendency to wilt when the weather is hot. Thus, there is no need to panic when this occurs. The occurrence helps them to minimize water loss. However, they should be able to regain their normal appearance after sunset. When it is not the case, assess for further problems.

When water flows out of the pots, it carries with it some nutrients. Thus, you will have to keep refilling them. Growth will not be fast when the nutrients are not enough. Also, you have to cut or pinch the blooms which have faded so as to pave the way for fresh ones. Nonetheless, they are too small at times. Therefore, you need to shear them to save on time in this case.

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