Monday, February 15, 2016

Why So Many People Experience A Sense Of Spiritual Awakening

By Mark Moore

It seems as if there is a growing trend among people to yearn for more from life than just material goods. They yearn for happiness, ongoing inner fulfilment and personal growth. They want to discover meaning in their lives and they are often weary from slogging from one day to the next. In short, they suspect that there is much more to life than they are getting. They experience a spiritual awakening and they long to satisfy those needs.

Even when mankind was a primitive being he believed that he possesses a soul, an inner true self that has needs much different from those of his physical body. Man recognized the fact that he needs to take steps to feed the needs of his soul. This is where priests, prophets, gurus and many other professions originated. These individuals believed that they knew exactly what it is that man needs to satisfy the needs of his soul and sometimes they even enforced their beliefs forcibly.

Millions of people find that religion is the perfect vehicle for their journey towards personal growth, happiness and contentment. Most religions promise their followers that there is a supreme being that loves them, care for them and that can offer them life eternal. These beliefs, and the facts that most religions are structured and disciplined, appeal to the masses and make them feel as if they are part of a special group.

Many others find religion to be confining, prescriptive and shallow. Large numbers of people opt for disciplines such as yoga or meditation to satisfy their inner needs and to achieve individual development. They enjoy the fact that they can practise their disciplines in private but that they can interact with others of the same inclination when they have a need to do so.

Yet others believe that their inner needs cannot be satisfied by an organized discipline or by following a specific method or technique. They want to experience personal growth and achieve happiness but they do not always know how to go about it. This is why the field of personal coaching have shown such phenomenal growth. People flock to these coaches to help them recognize their needs and to find ways in which to fulfil them.

For many people, the only way in which to feed the needs of their souls is to serve others. They become involved in charities and they achieve a feeling of well being, personal worth and even happiness when they make an effort to improve society. They visit the elderly and the sick, care for lost animals, serve in soup kitchens and help with fund raising efforts. This makes them content.

Many people longing for spiritual growth do not know where to start. However, there is absolutely nothing wrong with experimenting with various disciplines, methods, organizations and techniques. No human has exactly the same needs as any other and it is therefore only logical that no human is able to prescribe to another in terms of how to feed their souls.

Mankind is inventive and inquisitive. It is not strange that so many people are seeking for a deeper meaning in life. Man certainly had the right to live life to the fullest and to experience everything life has to offer.

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