Sunday, February 14, 2016

The Primary Element Of A Spiritual Experience

By Stephanie Reed

One, if not the most important element when looking to create a spiritual or religious experience is that of focus. Religion often requires continued study of the bible and other biblical texts. Spirituality, being content and process, often requires the individual be focused on body, mind and spirit. Once the individual is focused, it can be much easier to achieve and maintain a spiritual experience.

The search for truth is a difficult journey. For, while some individuals claim to have found the truth, the light and the way, it remains something which has to be taken as blind faith. As such, there are believers, non-believers, searchers and skeptics living in most communities.

A number of individuals find it difficult to define religion versus spirituality. One of the best definitions is that spirituality is something that can be felt and not seen. Whereas, religion is often something that can be seen like the bible or other biblical text, or shared like hymns during a traditional church service.

Some psychologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists now use spirituality as part of treatment. While others, many having tried, have now turned away from the idea. Whether using religion and spirituality or otherwise, it is always important that client and provider always respect and protect any privileged information provided in the process.

One of the best definitions of spirituality is that of Gendlin's. Being a theory that pays attention to the process of experience rather than the content, it is one of a kind. The feeling while emotionally moving also creates a physical response. As such, it is these implicit and vague emotional conditions which then merge with physical issues to create an overall release.

Spirituality can be viewed as the overall belief system of the individual with or without religious ideology. While some believe spirituality can be felt, others believe it is more a way of life. Emotional or physical, the overall well being which comes from this type experience can often be beneficial to good health and well being throughout life.

An emotional response can be brought about due to happiness and joy, sadness or sorrow. Some of the deepest of these experiences have often been felt due to the loss of a loved one, the loss of a pet or having to move away from friends at an early age. Others, when children are born, graduate, get married or move away. Whether a new couple, a new home, a new baby or a lost loved one, all can be considered spiritual or religious experiences.

While there have been attempts by mental health professionals to use spirituality and religion in treatment, most have now moved away from the idea. For some, recalling religious childhood memories has been known to create more psychological issues. While in others, it just seems less than ethical to question an individual about religious or spiritual identity unless directly associated with an on-going mental or physical issue.

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