Thursday, September 7, 2017

Important Information Concerning Color Meditation

By Ronald Harris

The utilization of colors for meditation can similarly be known as color yoga at times. This therapy encompasses focusing on various sacred colors within the subtle body that correspond to certain points within your physical body. Consequently, color meditation performs a significant role in offering an individual with cleansing, healing, balancing at every level including crucial physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental levels. Moreover, meditation via colors aids to grow concentration and visualization skills.

Essentially, meditation can be utilized to attain numerous things. For example, it can be employed to raise the capability to lessen stress, grow spiritually, link with your true-self, creative inspiration as well as for healing purposes. Meditations in self-healing are potentially powerful. This is due to the fact that numerous individuals who apply this therapy can overcome dysfunction, illnesses, and pain.

According to practitioners of this therapy, humans are not simply made of physical bodies but are multi-dimensional beings with a mental, emotional, inner spirit, and vital body. The practitioners believe that the energy within these bodies gets subtle from the physical to the spiritual. They also believe that illnesses and diseases arise as a result of disharmony in any of the energy body. If the energies are not harmonized, illnesses move inwards and affect the denser bodies. The illnesses are then manifested in the physical bodies as physical illnesses.

Basically, there are different colors used in the meditation therapy. Although colors are results of different vibrations and wavelengths of light, they can be helpful in healing practice. Nevertheless, each color has a different effect on your body, mind, and emotions. For instance, they can be used to raise your spirits, improve your appetite, as well as for spiritual healing.

The red color, for instance, is used to break up anger, aggression, and selfishness. This results in courage, excitement, anticipation, and excitement. This is the warmest of all the colors and is an element of fire. As a result, it increases vitality, circulation, warmth, and energy in your tissues. Again, it tones and stimulates your nervous system. It can be used when you feel detached, lost, or depressed or when you have gastrointestinal problems.

Violet, on the other hand, breaks up criticism, frustration, as well as lack of self-worth. Instead, it enforces responsibility, intuition, and self-worth. Violet is used for spiritual detachment and treating severe mental disorders.

Nevertheless, Yellow is employed to destroy criticism, the inability to relish life as well as judgment. Consequently, yellow enforces optimism, joy or the newness to life. Again, it is utilized when you are ailing from balance, weakness, feeling incomplete or stomach issues.

Usually, when you meditate with blue, you encourage trust and decisiveness within your life. Moreover, it leads to the destruction of weak willed or easily led characteristics. Typically, the blue ray is the best antiseptic and is a cooling and calming color. Consequently, it can be utilized to treat sore throats or heart burns. Also, it can be employed when you have an issue conveying your thoughts or being incapable of communicating. Similarly, blue is applied as a general color for working the lymphatic system, the immune system and healing.

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