Sunday, June 24, 2018

6 Weaknesses To Shed To Be A Successful Author TX

By Michael Lee

Writing is the most exciting profession. It gives you an opportunity to live an imaginary life and even create what other people consider to be exceptional. Writers have different specializations to choose from, ranging from inspiration to fiction and educational materials, among others. However, there are sacrifices that you must make in order to be a successful author TX.

Some obstacles are imaginary. It is normal to encounter obstacles. You only need to find a way of overcoming them. Even the authors you envy have faced these challenges over the years. They did not wake up and find fans ready for them. They lacked writing materials or mentors to look at their work. These challenges are to be expected. If they stop you from working, it is likely that you are not made for writing.

Auto pilot mode does not work in writing. You are not entitled to anything because you are a writer. You have to work for everything you ever desire to get. This includes the fans you will get, victories in competitions, attracting the attention of publishers and all other elements of writing. Even your family members will not read horrible work. It requires hard work.

The work is not for your own consumption. You have an audience that will be consuming your scripts. All our work must be developed with this audience in mind. Know what is good for them and how to give it to them. As they buy and judge your work, they should find you communicating with them through it. Without the audience in mind, there is no chance of writing a winning book.

The fear of marketing must be dealt with. You might be a good writer but people will not read the script from your desk. The only way they will know about it is if you promote it on all platforms possible. Create a blog and engage potential readers on social media. The more the work is exposed, the more it will capture the attention of publishers and new fans.

It takes time to become an excellent writer. You need to invest in time to become a good writer. Find the best time to work on your dream. This time must be spent on quality work. Quality work requires investment in quality reading materials and seminars or forums where you will get insights. Without such investment, your work will lack the depth required.

Disconnect. People and social activities will take away valuable time you need to polish on your scripts and improve on your writing skills. The best work is produced when you are on pilgrimage. Find time that you will concentrate, away from people and activities that lure you into spending time. This will enhance the depth of your writing.

Public approval will not help in any way. According to guru writers, the best persons are they who identify a style and niche to run with. It is the uniqueness of your work that makes it attractive. By copying other people, you will be living in their shadows and in the process never taste success.

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