Sunday, June 24, 2018

How To Properly Cultivate Siam Tulips

By Carol Wilson

Finding a good flower plant for your home is certain to be a daunting task. There are many species to choose from, and many of them die out quickly. Siam tulips have been long known to be some of the best indoor plants.

While the plant has numerous accolades, its one negative attribute is the fact that it is difficult to cultivate. For starters, you must know a lot about the conditions that favor its growth. In addition to this, one ought to know how best to go about safeguarding it during harsh winter weather.

These plants are native to the nation of Thailand and are basically known to be summer plants. Their upright flowers and healthy green foliage during full blossom make them look exceptionally gorgeous. They fare well under tropical climate. Nevertheless, they can be effectively bred indoors under the right conditions.

The plant is in actual sense, not a tulip. Scientifically, it is classified as a ginger plant. Plants under this classification are mostly brightly colored flowers and spices like turmeric. With good indoor conditions, one can grow it in a pot.

Its leaves have a thick structure and have an olive green color. Several of its stems are closely clustered and give the plant a general height of between 300mm and 400mm. It is commonly referred to as a tulip due to the pop out of flower clusters at its top. The bottom segment of its inflorescence is small with flowers popping out of its bracts. The top flowers are uniquely colorful.

The success in fully cultivating the flowering plant primarily depends on climate. It does exceptionally well in tropical conditions, preferably in coastal areas. If you do not live in a coastal area, you can replicate the same conditions indoors.

The people of Cambodia and Thailand grow it outdoors in the sun during summer. It grows effectively thanks to a long lasting dry season that runs for up to six months. Once they fully blossom, they are sold to buyers looking to place them in their homes. If you are looking to cultivate it indoors, the following tips will help you out.

The first thing to check is the availability of light. Make sure the growth pot sits near a window. Assuming you are not in a tropical zone, you want to control the sunlight using glass window panes.

Fluorescent lighting is an alternative for those who cannot access sunlight. In this case, a warm white tube and a cool light tube ought to be placed under a reflector. The growing plant should stay exposed to the light for between 14 to 16 hours a day.

One more vital factor to consider is humidity. There should be sufficient humidity to go with the indoor environment as well. Experienced indoor growers like to use room humidifiers and pebble trays for this. With appropriate climatic conditions, the plant is certain to attain full blossom.

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