Friday, February 8, 2013

Personalized Golf Gifts And The Connection Of Body Weight To Golf

By Michael S. Pearson

Splitting your weight evenly in between your feet does absolutely nothing to enhance your golf game. By doing this you basically lock you up and destroy any opportunity you might have of achieving a natural, effortless swing.

A good game of golf can just be attained by transferring your weight from the left foot towards the right foot having a zig-zag movement. The very first movement with this two-step process is known as the forward press in which the the forward press of the hands and the forward bend of the right knee puts you in the best position to assume the second move; which is the reversal of knee positions. This is called the opposite press.

While the forward press and the reverse press because they are frequently identified as vital, it really is critical that one does not become so centered on the importance of these two steps that you over done them. If this should occur, rather than the weight being effectively shifted to the right foot in the reverse press, the weight could alternatively go back on the left foot; that will make it very difficult to proceed with any kind of correct swing.

When you have achieved the forward press and the reverse press, you'll be able to accomplish them with such skill and assurance that they'll generally be unnoticeable.

The next step during this process is to raise the club up of the swing. Because you have previously accomplished the last step, you should find yourself balanced on your right foot using the club situated in the right hand. Now, using the weight on the right foot along with the club placed under the control of the right hand, you need to find it quite natural and simple to raise the club to the top of the swing.

The next move must start in the right hip with the whole side of the body from hip to shoulder drawn back. The right arm is going to be naturally contracted, which will raise the club towards the top of the swing.

Take note at this point that you should not attempt to maintain the right elbow locked in tight and near to the body. Rather, allow it to fall free and natural as if you were throwing a ball.

The next step is a reverse action on the left side of the body. This action, just like the previous step, will begin on the left side of the body and involve the left hip, contracting the left arm as you pull the club down and throughout the ball.

Contraction on the right side with the right arm raises the club on the upswing. The reverse contraction on the left side using the left arm can pull the club down into and throughout the ball; providing you with a managed technique for swinging the club. These kinds of contractions coupled with bodily action and control, make up the basis for a natural and simple game of golf.

As appealing as it can be, there's really no shortcut from the steps just explained which will produce efficient and successful results. The three operations of footwork, body and hands are important to every single golf shot and cannot be attained without having to go through the described moves.

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