Saturday, March 16, 2013

Going Beyond Positive Thinking And Into the Reality Of Abundance

By Zoe Smith

There are millions of people all over the world who are struggling to make ends meet, desperately wishing for abundance to come their way. Unfortunately, most of them think that in order to realize their dream, they need to be born affluent or attain certain educational requirements when the truth is, this is not true. As long as you are alive and thinking, you have all the qualification you will ever need.

Each and every person has the divine privilege, nay, the divine right to live a prosperous life. And because we are destined to live in abundance, then it follows that we have the necessary equipment to make this come to pass, correct? The boom of self-help companies can attest to this and are developing programs that go along the lines of personal growth.

Many self-help programs right now recognize this and set us personal development plans that go along these lines. The problem is that many times, these well-meaning but sometimes inaccurate programs lack some points for the individual's endeavor to be really successful. After all, you must go beyond positive thinking to see the dream in your heart to be real in the physical plane we live in.

Do not get me wrong. Positive thinking is critical to ensuring your eventual success. It is the foundation of it. But you shouldn't stop there. What many people do is think a lot of happy, positive thoughts and wish that they will come true. Do not stop at wishful thinking-decide on what you want and that you are going to get it no matter what.

When you know what you want, purpose to paint the picture of it in your mind's eye. Now, keep meditating on this image until it stirs up inside of you passion and excitement. Your emotions are vital in meditations for manifesting. As you desire the good and beneficial things in your heart, it is birthing in you the commitment to see it through no matter the setbacks that may crop up. These powerful vibrations compel the universe to respond accordingly.

Understand that the thoughts and emotions we choose to have are not inconsequential daily happenings in life-they are vibrations that we are unconsciously transmitting to the universe. They will connect with the things with the same frequency and resonance. Deliberately think thoughts of abundance, and opportunities for prosperity will be drawn to you.

Knowing what you know about meditations for manifesting, you must remember that you need to be a good steward of the things you wished for when they do come to pass. Do whatever it is for it to multiply, be fruitful and bless other people as well. If it is obtaining a great job, then be a good worker. If you desired enduring and wonderful relationships-be the best person you can be to the people in your life.

Now you know what to do to go beyond positive thinking into the reality you desire. Life can only get better from here if you go and follow these simple tips. Think and live abundantly today!

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