Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Myths About Team Development

By Carla Rossouw

You will find many misconceptions and myths involved when speaking about team development ideas. Your activity might fail to produce a better team connecting. Here are the myths you need to understand to be able to make certain that the team development activity is a success.

Doing team building activities is a waste of time. Mingling with people and getting together are boring. This idea may have come from people in your team who have experienced dull and tiresome team building activities before. This idea can be passed on to others and change the way they think through the word of mouth and persuasion. What you need to do is to ensure that this idea does not take over the minds of your members. Plan an event that will change their outlook about team building.

Team building is pointless. This is a very popular misconception among people that's why some do not want to participate in these events. Some people assume that having getaways in popular attractions such as the beach will not have an effect in the productivity of the team. Because of this negative thought, the team building activity fails. What you need to do is to explain to your members thoroughly why you are doing the activity. Tell them the purpose and the point of each exercise. If you do not explain to them, they will never understand.

The benefits of team-building activities are difficult to measure. This misconception is partly true. However, you can prove to the members that it's not correct. Think about it this way. Team building is a process. It is not an event that you do once and everything will turn like the way everyone expects. It's not like that never would be. It is a process therefore it takes time to see the effects. However, after doing it for several times, you should see some positive changes in your employees. You should see a change in their productivity - how well they work as a team. You should see a change on how they view themselves - an improvement in their morale. You should see some change on how they communicate with each other. Although these are not readily visible, in time, these positive changes will manifest.

Never let these misconceptions to enter and influence the minds of your team members. You need to do your best in order to change how they view the teambuilding and to understand the important everything that you are doing. Only when you have weeded out the negatives will you be able to incorporate the positives. Once everyone has a positive feeling about the team building, the fruits of your efforts will start to manifest. It will take time but it'll be worth the wait.

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