Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Landing a Great Job on Maui

By Ryan Kalani

Aloha! If you have ever taken a vacation on our beautiful island, you know that Maui is both a place and a state of mind.

The Island of Maui holds roughly 12% of the total Hawaiian population and is the preferred vacation destination to over 2 million people each year. It is very easy to fall in love with Maui's perfect weather, scenic beaches and 'aloha' spirit. A small percentage of people who come on vacation end up as permanent residents. If you are wondering about moving to Maui and want to learn a little more about the job scene, please continue reading.

Maui - by the numbers

The most recent government census was conducted in 2010 and provides some intriguing data on Maui's standard of living. The island is home to 155,000 residents and 64,000 jobs. An economic recovery has been in evidence since the end of 2010, and the unemployment rate now sits at 5.2% (Dec/2012). The top employing industries in 2011 were travel/tourism sector (21,100 jobs/33.0% of all jobs), retail trade (9,100 jobs/14.2%) and the 3 levels of government (8,900/13.9%). The remaining 39% of jobs on Maui include Professional Services (10.3%), Private Health Care (7.8%), Construction (4.1%), Finance (3.8%), Agriculture (2.5%), Private Education (1.6%), Technology (0.9%) and all others (7.9%).

How to Find a Six Figure Job on Maui

1. Franchise Ownership

Franchises are the ideal outlet for somebody who wants to be their own boss, but lacks experience in running their very own business. Buying into a franchise provides you with instant brand recognition, access to professional marketing materials, dedicated territorial rights for your business, an operations manual for running your business and a network of fellow entrepreneurs who are facing the same challenges. There are two types of franchises you can buy - proven winners and everything else. If you have an opportunity to purchase the franchise of a brand you have never heard of before, run! You will want to stay with a name that is on Entrepreneur.com's the Top 500 Franchises.

2. The Digital Office

The internet has changed our world for the better. Two decades ago, people did not have the option of working online or telecommuting via skype. Many who live on Maui earn their income by working at home, whether they are an independent contractor for a major firm or an internet entrepreneur who earns advertising commission from blogging or iPhone apps. For those with a keen interest in technology, starting an online business is a great start on the road to financial independence. It will take time to build a business to a point where you can afford to live on Maui, but there is no time like the present if you are truly motivated.

3. More Education

Maui has 6,400 jobs in the Professional Service sector and many more for experienced business executives. Professionals such as doctors, lawyers and accountants all fall at the top end of compensation on Maui. If these jobs are of interest, make sure that you have the educational requirements to apply. For some, it may mean going back to school. If you are an accredited professional, you can search for 6 figure jobs at the Maui Job Board.


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