Monday, June 17, 2013

1921 Silver Dollar

By Sienna Nalin

If you read the last post a few days ago, you know about the Silver Canadian Maple Leaf ... well the United States also has a special coin of its own! The 1921 silver dollar is another great purchase that you could look into investing in. This silver dollar is known worldwide and many people would not mind getting their hands on it. Here are some reasons to think about investing in the silver dollar:

This silver dollar is impressive because you can still use it as currency. The only downfall to that is the fact you would only be getting the face value. You should know of course you can get way more if you sell it for metal or hold onto it as a collector's item.

This coin is recognized worldwide. The fact that his coin is so recognizable and can be used as currency means that you can use it in other countries. This you know is a coin that you should get your hands on since it is a global currency that all recognize.

This coin is a great investment because you will see a return on it. You of course will see a good return on it if you buy it at a great price. In order to make sure that you make a good investment, you have to make sure that you do extensive research on this coin or any coin for the matter before buying it.

Economic Conditions - This silver dollar is great for economic conditions such as the way that the economy is currently going. If the economy continues on the path that it is going, it soon will crash. When it does crash all money will be worthless. You can count on coins for their precious metals.

Never Completely Lose Value- A 1921 silver dollar will never completely lose value. If the numismatic value of the coin drops to $0 the coin will still retain the value of the silver bullion held in the coin. The reverse is also true. Even if the silver bullion price drops extremely low the coin will still be prized by collectors for the numismatic value.

...Learn more at 5 Reasons to Invest in a 1921 Silver Dollar

After reading all this information you should be pretty clear on whether or not you want to look further into investing in a 1921 silver dollar.

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