Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Structure Of Prisoner Partition

By Lana Bray

Prisoner partition refers to a place where a single prisoner is kept. The place usually is locked up and a single individual is set to occupy that place. This is common in almost all prisons, though in most of them, the prisoners are normally so many such that two or three have to share a partition.

The main aim of introducing these sections is so as to make the people managing them do their activities with a lot of ease. Each section usually contains either one person or more, depending on the number of detainees present as well as the capacity of that particular place. Well set records are kept such that the guards know exactly the names and the appearance of the people belonging to each cube. As such, note of anyone missing can be taken well in advance.

Some of these places especially those designed for the ordinary citizens are very poorly equipped. The way they are equipped makes them very uncomfortable for the people living there. They in most cases have less beds that the number of the occupants. Besides, the beds are very small, such that they cannot be shared. Some even lack beds totally especially those belonging to people that are supposed to be tormented maximally.

However, there are those that are meant for dignitaries. These people may include people that hold the topmost ranks in given countries who happen to by any chance misbehave. These individuals are usually taken into custody just to limit their freedom of movement from one place to another. However, these people are accorded the much comfort that they could have enjoyed were they in their own houses. Their rooms are usually very big and in totally different places from the other prisoners.

Meeting the members of their nuclear family can be done every other time. But it is in rare cases that they are allowed to meet in their original homes. Most meetings are conducted in their homes of detention. They also have got recreational facilities which can be accessed at any time, because for them, they do not operate under any schedule. They only have limited decision on the movement and social aspect.

No matter how effective this system of retaining people under detention is on the part of the prison, it has got its shortcomings. The people here are never allowed to freely interact with their closes family members. Instead they spend more time with the other prisoners and in most cases those of the same sex. This therefore results in the cropping up of questionable manners such as homosexuality.

The people after leaving their cubicles, they are only allowed to mingle with the other detainees when taking their meals, when doing manuals work or when meeting for any form of activity say worship. This limits the people so much from development.

Prisoner partition may prove good to the institution, but it is not very healthy for the detainees. Some may even end up developing mental illnesses. Others acquire vices they did not have as they were joining the other inmates.

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