Wednesday, June 26, 2013

City Bicycling & The Startling Modifications Made

By Rob Sutter

I believe that anyone who gets into city bicycling knows just how much work goes into it. Most of it does include the actual riding process but what about the extra work that some people put into their bikes in order to make them better or simply give them personal touches? Maybe a new set of wheels will be added so that the vehicle moves at a smoother pace. While you have these smaller changes, there are those which do nothing short of blowing that term out of the water.

On the Internet, we see such outrageous videos that we cannot help but to continue watching time and time again. I think "Numa Numa" was what kicked off the trend and even to this day you will see clips that will go viral, even if they may not stand the test of time in the constantly moving nature of the online world. Nowadays, it seems like just about any unique clip will gain a great amount of views, whether it is a comedy sketch or a self-made video of a kitten being cute. Just about anything can gain publicity.

Mashable posted an article about Francois Gissy, a French bicyclist who decided to add something quite interesting to city bicycling. Basically, he utilized a rocket, setting it against the bike in order to increase the speed at which the vehicle would travel at. With said rocket being incorporated, the bike managed to reach a velocity of 163 miles per hour, which is a startling statistic for anyone who's into fascinating stories. This is especially interesting for authorities which specialize in the vehicles, Linus Bike included.

I don't think anyone is going to be startled by the fact that this broke a world record, either. After all, how many vehicles - are you aware of that - can achieve this degree of speed without a motor? The utilization of a rocket has shown that people can be very creative, though is this finding going to have much longstanding use apart from entertainment? Even if it doesn't, at the very least the two videos will be watched by viewers for some time to come.

I think that anyone, outside of entertainment, can tell you that this kind of action does not seem safe. People who aren't trained in this regard stand a great chance of hurting themselves because they don't understand the kind of power that rockets have. There has to be a great understanding of what's in store or else it's possible that mistakes will occur. Speaking just from the perspective of someone who likes entertainment, though, I think that it's tough to deny the appeal of fascinating showings.

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