Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Time Management Tools: 5 Tips To Manage Your Study Time Better

By Lachlan Haynes

If you're reading this it's quite likely that time management is not your strong suit. You probably feel over-worked, over-tired and over it all!

But giving up is not the solution. Instead, let's look at some easy to implement strategies and time management tools that will help you make the most of the time you already have available and also create some more free time for you.

Tip number one - start using to-do lists. It's far easier to remember what you need to get done by writing it down and then prioritizing the list you create. It's no good just trying to remember everything in your head - you need to start making to-do lists! Make sure when you create the list you create it with very specific actionable steps that you are going to take. For example, don't write "Start Maths homework", but instead write "Do first 3 questions of Maths homework". See the difference? If you have vague items it will only lead to uncertainty about what the task means and further procrastination problems.

Tip number two - create some goals and stick to them like super glue (like the one that always get stuck on your fingers) Have you actually created some goals for yourself? Do you know exactly what you are working towards and why? If not, what are you working towards? Are you simply trying to get better? Or maybe just trying to get a pass and move on? If you want to make good use of your time you need to know exactly what you want to get out of whatever you are doing. For example, if you sit down for an hour to study you should know what you're trying to complete within that hour. So start setting small goals and make proper use of your time.

Tip number three - lower your expectations. We all want to shoot for the stars - but don't put unreasonable pressure on yourself for no good reason. If you're taking too much on and it's taking too long because your expectations are way too high (for example, if you believe that nothing less than an A+ average for all your subjects is the only acceptable standard) then as soon as you slip under that extremely high standard a major meltdown will occur. So be committed to your ambition but not attached to every single outcome. If you are, you will spend way too much time focusing on things that don't always matter.

Tip number four - do what counts. A major trap we all fall into is trying to do everything that's assigned. But that's actually a waste of your time. You should do only what you know counts towards your final grades. If a paper is worth 50% then spend lots and lots of time on it. If your homework is not worth grades but must be handed in - then make sure you hand it in - but don't spend as much time on it as anything that counts towards your final grade. Find out what counts the most and give that the most time. Worrying about everything will only drive you nuts!

Tip number five - overcome any tendency to procrastinate. We all do it. Something is due but we can't be bothered so we do nothing. Life's hard. We get it. Everything is hard. We get that too. But if you don't do the work it will catch up with you. So just do it! Get off your butt and get to work. But don't worry about completing the whole thing. If you have to write a paper just write one paragraph - or even one sentence. If you have to complete a worksheet of Maths homework just do the first question. Instead of getting overwhelmed and anxious about having to complete the whole task just make sure that you first get started. It's easier to keep going once you actually start.

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