Tuesday, June 25, 2013

How To Change Your Life Through Affirmative Thoughts And Perseverance

By Patrik Olofsson

You may be thinking about how to change your life if you are dissatisfied with the way things are going at the moment. If this is you, do not despair. You are not alone, there are millions of others out there who are also not happy with the hand they seem to have been dealt. In fact, you are in a stronger position than most because you are already thinking that there must be a way to improve things. The good news is that there is.

There is nothing in any of our lives that is permanent. Indeed our very existence in physical form is just a temporal situation. You can observe the circumstance you find yourself in and think that this is your lot forever. This is not true. There will definitely be changes, and whether or not you are aware of it, you are the architect of those changes. The thing is to create the future that you really want.

Most people want the similar things in their lives. They want happiness which may be the result of good relationships, healthy children, material comfort and financial freedom. Nobody wants to be saddled with debt, worry, anger and grief. The question we must ask ourselves then is how come so many people are saddled with the things they do not want instead of the things they do want.

In order to find the answer to such questions, we have to go deep into our psyches and examine our thought processes. Many people do not understand that they have thought their situations into manifestation by activating the very powerful law of attraction. Even though people are not aware of the law it is working in their favour or against them all the time.

Basically, this law works by attracting into our lives the things that we spend most of our time thinking about. If we think about all the problems we have to face on a daily basis or worrying about what will happen in the future, we find that we will experience more problems and our futures will be just as awful as we imagined.

Positive thinking is what is needed to make the desired changes in our lives. We must resist from negative thoughts that bring fear and worry and keep our minds tuned to what we want. If it is riches you desire, it is no good thinking and feeling poor. All you are doing is manifesting what you do not want. If you want to be rich then you must start feeling rich now.

We have to be committed to changes if we really want changes to occur for us. That means we must take our thought patterns seriously. Thinking positively may take a concerted effort at first but the required amount of commitment it will soon become second nature. It is not so difficult to move from negative to positive thinking although for many the prospect seems almost impossible.

Positive affirmations every day is a very good way to change our thought patterns. Think about all the things in our lives that are blessings and be thankful for them. Everyone is blessed with something and most are blessed with abundance. A good example is a woman who is lame but is grateful for her sight and hearing and the love of her children.

Some people say that the law of attraction has been a carefully guarded secret for centuries. However, it is indisputable that people who apply these principles in their lives find that they are much happier generally. They are engaged in the type of work that they love. They usually have the freedom to enjoy the leisure pursuits of their choice. Their children attend the best schools and everything for them is fine.

You can quite easily be in this situation too. The lifestyle you dreamed about can actually be yours. Interestingly, a kind of dreaming is a very powerful way of actually bringing into being the things you want. By daydreaming, you enter a high frequency trance state that the universe is able to respond to.

If you are wondering how to change your life, or when you can change it, the answer is very easy. Right now! You can begin today visualising the way you want things to be and before very long you will find things to change around you almost miraculously.

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