Sunday, June 23, 2013

How Window Bird Feeders Can Bring Natural Elements Inside

By Debra Garrison

Nature is a beautiful thing. It can be so delightful to watch the squirrels gathering nuts and the birds flitting about. Just sitting on a bench in the park or taking a hike through the woods can show you so many beautiful things. You do not have to go outdoors to enjoy nature though. There are many ways you can enjoy the outdoors from right inside your home, and a window bird feeder is one of them.

Feeding birds has been a common pastime for many years, and for good reason. It can be such a pleasure to bring lots of different aviary creatures into your back yard. You can bring in so many different kind of fowl, depending on the type of seeds or feeders you use.

If attracting a wide selection of birds is important to you, using a feed with black sunflower seed may be the best option. Black sunflower seeds are attractive to most birds that consume seeds. The biggest variety of birds would also be drawn by using a tray feeder.

When your goal is to attract a specific kind of bird you will need to use a specific kind of feed and a specific kind of feeder. You can also use a variety of different feeders. This will allow you to attract many different kinds of birds.

Insect eating birds, such as woodpeckers, jays, or chickadees, are attracted by suet. Hummingbirds are attracted by feeders that are bright in color and filled with nectar. Hopper feeders attract cardinals, sparrows, and finches.

Using window feeders, however, can afford you an excellent view of many birds. These are held up by suctioning to the glass or hooking to the frame. Birds like the titmouse, finch, and chickadee are attracted to them.

A window version is also the safest kind for the birds. They are easy to clean which means bacteria won't build up in the seed due to water exposure. They also prevent the problem of birds flying into the window and getting injured, which is common with stand feeders that are placed too close to windows.

Pets and children can be very interested in watching them as well. It is educational for children to see the birds in their natural habitat. It can even be a game for the children to research the kinds of birds they are seeing and to draw them.

Cats are also easily entertained by them. It brings out their wild side because they feel like they are outdoors stalking prey, but the birds remain safe in their own habitat. Dogs also like watching the squirrels and birds that are attracted to tray feeders.

There are so many options for feeding birds and bringing nature right into your yard, including the use of a window bird feeder. Whichever option you use, make sure you remember not to provide any feed in the winter months. Many people think this will help the birds, but, in fact, it disrupts their natural patterns.

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