Thursday, July 25, 2013

A Perfunctory Glance At Small Dog Breeds

By Heinz Kaufmann

There is a common misconception about the German shepherd miniature puppy breed. The bloodlines of the German Shepherd are kept very clean by the reputed German Shepherd Breeders and regulating Societies. In very rare cases a German Shepherd couples with the miniature dog of a different breed but this is not the production of a new miniature and is not the persuading of dog breeders.

Mixes between Border Collies and German Shepherds are not counted miniatures because they are not known as breed.

King Shepherd, Shiloh Shepherd and Shepadoodle that are products of German Shepherd and poodle are some of the cross-breeds of German Shepherd.

Due to technical standards, German Shepherd miniature dogs are not accepted as a breed. A list of the distinguished miniature dogs includes Border Collies, Staffordshire Terriers, and the stumpy tail cattle dog. These dogs are different from the original German Shepherds that are comparatively huge and heavy ones. This might serve as a warning not to fall to breeders who try to assert that they are breeding miniature German Shepherds.

True shepherds are not a mixed breed and there is also confusion about the Dwarf German Shepherd Dog. This is not a miniature version however due to different health reasons caused by a genetic defect the dog suffers from pituitary dwarfism. This means it does not grow properly and requires constant attention and care by the veterinarian in order to survive throughout its life. Furthermore, constant attention is required to manage the condition of its coat and health. These dogs are easily distinguishable when they are born.

Other possible ailments that a Dwarf German Shepherd may suffer from are thyroid, pannus, allergies and poor coat. Some of them may even get bald through aging. Weight problem is another, wherein none of them can weigh more than 30 pounds. Luckily, the disposition of a normal German Shepherd remains in dwarfed ones. All you got to do is rear them in a happy atmosphere and caring owners where they can still be a great companion.

A lot of buyers has been fooled by several breeders calling original German Shepherd puppies as miniature ones. These dogs will then grow into huge ones that can weigh a maximum of 80 pounds, a size you wouldn't consider as miniature. This strategy costs buyers a lot as well as making a lot of problems as they watch their dogs grow hugely.

What might have been the outcome of this marketing strategy? Well, dogs deserted by their owners because of the belief that they were miniatures! A large number of these dogs often end up in rescue centers since owners already found them hard to keep in their homes.

The real breed was developed in Germany by a cavalry officer from the German army named Captain Max von Stephanitz. He has developed a golden middle that means a good temperamental dog of large size would qualify as an original and authentic German Shepherd.

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