Thursday, July 18, 2013

Secret Law Of Attraction Article: Do You Know About The Power Of Flow

By Ronald M. Dickson

The Law of Attraction is such a powerful law, yet I find that most people aren't taking full advantage of it. Just like the law of gravity, when you drop something you know it will fall, the same goes for Law of Attraction. What you focus on expands - like attracts like. For example if you're focusing on how much you want more money and feeling how good it will feel to get it, you are attracting it to happen. However, the same goes for the opposite.
Learn more about the [Secret Law Of Attraction] here

I have learned that there will be times where there will be a problem to solve among a group and people look to you for the answer because you have displayed leadership. Even though you might have no idea what the answer is, you will not show expressions that come off as "I can't do it." Sometimes you have to get uncomfortable to get comfortable and be put in a situation where people depend on your voice. you will that as a leader that in order to lead, you have to listen. A leader is not a single person giving orders. A leader makes the decision based on the groups' thoughts. A leader has to the catalyst; the person knows when to start the fire, but also to put it out.

The other important aspect about Law of Attraction is one that is the easiest to forget. Just like the law of gravity which exists 24/7 (not just when you're thinking about it), the same goes for Law of Attraction. It is fully operational 24/7, whether you're thinking about it or not. That's why it's so important to check in with your thoughts to make sure you're focusing on what you want and not on what you don't want.

A successful program is where someone doesn't need to write down notes to learn. I believe that's the most effective way to be a quality leader; when you can have student's or individuals learn through the mind, not their notes. The best lessons are taught about life are through communication. No one remembers a test that took where they learned something. Either though some might not think this, but a test would be harder if the student had to verbally say the answer to you. Putting answers on a paper does not solidify a student's learning capabilities. Whenever would someone ask a question during a conversation and have someone write down the answer to them. Knowledge is based on verbal communication and interaction with someone. That's makes a successful program.

For example, if you want to attract a relationship with the man or woman of your dreams, but you're constantly thinking about how lonely you are, or how no one is interested in you, then that's exactly what you're going to keep attracting. However, if you can become aware enough to think thoughts like "I am in the process of meeting my true love" or "I am attracting the perfect mate into my life", then you're going to attract that.

WHO DO STUDENTS REMEMBER THE MOST? Answer: Physical Educators. Unfortunately in schools, physical education is last on the list as importance but first on the list of fun things to do in school. Even though boys and girls might not enjoy doing yoga as a lesson, at the end of the day they know that it's better than sitting in a class and learning about General Robert E Lee's plan about the battle of irrelevant. They remember physical educators because Student's actually get to converse with their teacher during the lesson instead of sitting there and listening (interaction).Students receive praise based on the ability of a motor skill (rewards).There active and play sports (fun).They stay awake in school (heart rate), and last

Physical Educators are the most approachable because they can't communicate by a textbook or a power point. The only teachers a student is going to remember from grades K-12 outside of physical education are teachers that coached you or another sport, or gave you a recommendation, or gave you life advice, good-looking, or was the worst teacher of all time. If someone asked me to name my physical educators from K-12, I could tell you all of them or at least 10 of them in one breathe. Point is I find it amazing that physical education is low of totem pole when they are remembered the most and looked at the most by students. Fun is magic. When you are happy, people will smile. When you are nice, people gravitate. When fun, people are will follow you anywhere.

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