Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Effort & The Importance It Holds For Obstacle Racing

By Rob Sutter

If you're going to bring your all into a competition, think about stepping up to obstacle racing. With one roadblock after another coming into your path, you have to be able to traverse and evade each of them. Making sure that you're able to overcome every single aspect that comes into your way is very important. While you want to make sure that you're physically able to work, do not forget about effort, which many will claim is even more vital for the sake of performing well.

I believe the first taste of the results of effort that I have been able to attain came about in middle school. It was during an awkward period where I wasn't sure what I wanted to be and where my life was going to go, so my school work seemed to suffer. Nonetheless, I was able to keep focused on certain aspects because I knew just how much hard work paid off. As long as I showed that I tried, I would consistently become better.

You might be curious as to why I've applied this same matter of thinking to racing. Keep in mind that physical fitness should be retained but it isn't the only are that that can be associated to this type of activity. The problem is that people tend to judge based on appearances when, in fact, someone who looks primed for a race may not be the one who takes home the win. In fact, you'll soon see that work put forth holds much greater emphasis on the matter.

Sometimes it doesn't matter how big you are but it's what you are able to bring to the competition in terms of work. Obstacle racing is one of those instances in which individuals can work to their greatest extents and very few people are going to say differently on the matter. It doesn't even matter how they look because sometimes such an element can be deceiving. Only those driven to reach the goal will be those who fare the best when it comes to events like Spartan Race.

Obstacle racing seems to call for individuals to dig deep in order to find what is needed to win. If you're unwilling to go about this course of action, then I don't think you'll be able to succeed in the best way imaginable. You have to be able to work hard and do your best in just about every case that you can, which can be tough for a number of individuals. Make sure that you're willing to go about any course of action possible, though, and success may just be had.

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