Sunday, July 28, 2013

Guide To Finding A Quality Rockville Dry Cleaners

By Maryanne Goff

A dependable Rockville dry cleaners will help their customers keep their cherished garments looking like new. It's important to be able to recognize what makes a good cleaning service when choosing one to care for one's clothing. An unprofessional service may end up doing more harm than good, so choosing a reputable one is essential.

Dry cleaning stores come in two varieties, "package plants" and "dry stores". The first one refers to a company which has its equipment on site and does all its work there. The second is really a drop-off and pick-up depot but the garments are sent out to a central plants where the cleaning is done. The main advantage of a smaller company is the higher level of customer service, while the chain operations tend to promote quicker service for less money.

When selecting a service it can be helpful to get recommendations from people one knows. They can tell potential customers which companies have provided them with outstanding service, and also which ones are best to avoid. Thrift stores may also be a good source of information, since they get clothes cleaned on a regular basis.

Perhaps the ultimate test of a cleaner's talents is how they handle stains. They need to be able to recognize what type of stain it is, and the best course of treatment for it. Dry cleaning is typically more effective with stains of an oil-based nature since only solvents are used, than those which are water-based.

Pressing is a process most cleaners offer which can be done either by hand or using a machine press. Hand-pressing is preferable since it is more precise and not every garment is suited for being machine-pressed. A presser who is experienced will be able to make any item look crisp in just the right places and ready to wear off the hanger when it's picked up.

If someone is considering a certain cleaner, it's a good idea to bring in a few pieces which will effectively gauge how good they are at their job. The best choices include a light-colored silk and linen garment, and a cotton shirt. When they are returned, the customer can look them over carefully and then decide if this service is worth using again or not.

Qualities to look for include color, which should be the same intensity and not look dull, if it does it may mean dirty filters are being used. Proper use of "sizing" is also important, as this keeps the garment's form and prevents it from being limp and shapeless. If the item has any loose or missing buttons, the cleaner should also attend to this matter by securing or replacing them, usually for no extra cost.

A reasonable turnaround time is also something to consider when choosing a Rockville dry cleaners. Most quality cleaning services can have a garment ready for pick-up in two hours time, on an average business day. Waiting several days is not acceptable in most cases. However, quality must take precedence and should not be sacrificed for a speedy but poor cleaning job.

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