Saturday, July 20, 2013

Learn Reiki Inexpensively With Powerful Online Reiki Courses

By Mary R. Joyce

To Learn Reiki with online Reiki Courses is a new concept and one which challenges and divides the beliefs of Reiki Masters. Some Reiki masters believe that one must attend a class and be receive the sacred Reiki attunement in person whilst other masters believe one can be successfully attuned via distance attunement or even attune yourself to the energies of Reiki.
[Reiki Classes]

Western Reiki started out the same way, with masters charging huge sums (up to $10,000) for master training. In the early part of the last century, even Western Reiki was surrounded by secrecy and mystery.So much so that there is now debate about how exactly to draw the symbols! Students had to commit them to memory and not write them down. Inevitable, different versions were remembered by different people, and we now have the strange phenomenon whereby different groups are claiming that their version of the symbols is the authentic and original version! Totally ridiculous!

However, Western Reiki has opened up over the past fifteen to twenty years. This has been party driven by great demand for Reiki classes which the old way couldn't deal with in terms of keeping up with demand.Traditional masters and the more progressive ones agree on a number of things. First, the most important element of Reiki training is the quality of the master who is doing the training. Second, energy and healing power can be transmitted remotely with the proper training and experience.

To learn Reiki it is important to find an experience and competent teacher, who you feel drawn to and trust. It is the responsibility of the student to find a reputable teacher and like any course it requires a commitment and practice to develop your skills.Some Reiki teachers will charge hundreds for dollars for levels one and two and even thousands for level three which is the master teacher level. With many face to face Reiki courses you are not given any written material to take home as the belief is that the symbols and information will be burnt into your subconscious. This may be true for many people but not everyone. Many a student has stopped Reiki as the student couldn't remember the symbols or what to do.

The modern-thinking masters saw the opportunity and developed Reiki courses online as a result. These Reiki classes are just as good as the more traditional ones from a quality perspective, as long as you select one which has been developed by a great master.Where they surpass the traditional classes is in terms of value and convenience. The bottom line is that you can get high quality Reiki classes using Reiki courses online for a fraction of the cost of traditional training.

Already of the most distinguished teachers of this tremendous healing method have started to accept that taking Reiki classes isn't necessary to become a Reiki master. The reason for this is that the exponents already lie within all of us. It isn't something that must get planted in you, it is all in there just as you are reading this right now. The one and only thing that must be done is to discover how to master the power of Reiki, that really is the only issue, no matter how difficult it may all seem like if you ask it from some Reiki teacher that runs some expensive courses.Opposed to the old believe of face to face Reiki classes, there are of course numerous schools of thought in Reiki practice that hold the belief that you don't have to be actually physically present for you to receive your attunements, as the attunements can be send to you remotely, through the use of the assorted Reiki symbols that are also used to effect remote healing for various circumstances.

Even if you have already had some experience with Reiki, some of these courses can help you advance more quickly and learn the truth about Reiki history. Even though new information concerning Usui (the original Reiki Master, teacher, trainer and healer) has come to light, some of the old myths relating the development of the healing energy are still prevalent.I have learned a lot about Reiki over the last couple of years. I began studying the use of the healing chakras when I was suffering from anxiety and depression. I am not exaggerating when I say that understanding the universal life energy has changed my life.

If you've been wanting to learn to be a Reiki practitioner, consider that Reiki classes and workshops are often best suited for those who can learn both in a group setting, and who are also independent learners, able to do the self-study and follow-up sessions on themselves and others to make use of their Reiki attunements and learning, and become ready for higher levels of Reiki certification if they choose.Watch out for "free Reiki attunements" which lead to more expenses in order to become a Level I practitioner. There's nothing wrong with a free attunement per se, but not if it leads you to thinking you'll be getting a free certification as a Reiki Level I Practitioner. Free attunements do not teach you how to be a practitioner nor what has even been done to you. If you want to achieve status as a Reiki Practitioner at any level, look for something that offers the full package. Usually packages come in three levels of classes for Reiki Level I, Level II and Level III.

Watch out for add-ons you may not want, need, or want to pay for. There's certainly nothing wrong with adding weekends of gourmet meals, other energy healing theories, extra days of meditations, chants, etc. to a Reiki learning package. Just know that these are add-ons that aren't necessary, nor even enhancements, to the Reiki attunements and becoming a Reiki practitioner. Reiki comes to the earth wherever it's needed, not just in pretty locations or to those who engage in daily chanting. A short meditation during a one-day Reiki workshop can be all that's needed to enhance and deepen the learning experience without adding extra days and extra cost to a Reiki Level package.

Doctors who recommend Reiki classes in Greenwich are trying to offer the alternative therapies that give patient the benefit of the healing process that will also maintain their wellness at the same time. It has been proven to help or reduce symptoms and side effects of maladies. Aside from that it promotes the body's natural healing ability boosts the immune system, improves healing time, release old traumas, assist in mental and emotional healing and improves mind and body awareness. Some people think that there's an increased risk of physical and mental illness, even spiritual disconnection and remote feeling of being stuck because of the restricted energy flow. However Reiki classes in Greenwich are used as treatment as it tries to connect with the "universal energy" through the hands and use to diagnose the flow of energy in the client. People tend to forget that meridian energy can become restricted due to blockages caused by certain diseases, suppressed feelings and even past karma.

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