Wednesday, October 9, 2013

How To Survive Your First Public Speaking Course

By David B. Nelson

Public speaking training are what we can call the best options for those who want to learn how to succeed in their careers but have to face and talk to people, but are afraid to. With the training, you will learn the abilities not only how to speak effectively in public, but also how to communicate well to different kinds of people regardless of the setting. Corporate leaders are good examples of public speakers. They do address large number of people that are usually their employees and business partners and yet they can also talk to people who are recognized to be the best in the industries they are working in.
[Public Speaking Classes]

Not everyone is born with natural public speaking abilities. In fact, most of us really do suck at it when we first start (kind of like snowboarding or playing Halo). So, when walking into your speech class this semester don't go in thinking you're expected to be perfect; most people around you are just as nervous and inexperienced. Just do what's asked of you and aim to get better.Personally I think one of the best ways to prepare for a class like this is to take advice from those who have been through it before. So, prior to giving you my pointers, I'd like to share the thoughts and opinions of some colleagues and former students when I asked what they would say to those of you taking public speaking this semester:

Learning the quickest and best methods in creating your effective presentation with different scenario. You will be equipped with knowledge on how to produce presentations for different audiences and for various scenarios.Learning to be more concise and how to build your power of persuasion. Learning to be an effective public speaker is not only about earning the knowledge on how to deliver or convey your messages well but also how you can convince your audiences on the things that you want to express. Enhancing your speech deliveries by doing hands-on practices during public speaking classes. In this manner, you will learn how to design your speech and delivering presentations along with your group. Your group may also serve as your audience to help you get through your anxieties and obtain constructive criticisms.Teaching you how to use your voice effectively. Sometimes it is the tone of your voice and the way how you pronounce every word that can convey your messages effectively and this you will learn from public speaking training.Learning how you can convince people with your eyes and convey your message with your body language during your speech delivery. Your eyes and body movements are powerful message conveyors that can generally influence audiences.

"Come in with an open mind. Be ready to feel accomplished after you've finally knocked a speech out of the park!" -Jim Vasil, Student, Rider University,"Keep calm when you're presenting and if you lose your place, just try to talk freehandedly about the info.don't apologize or let the audience know you were lost." -Victoria Perniola, Student, Kean University,"Remember that everybody in class is in the same position, so don't be afraid to speak in front of your peers. Be confident, know your material." -Shane Tonery, Student, Rider University,"Relax, have fun with it! If you take the leap and push past the nerves, you will come out the other side with some valuable skills." -Barbara McNair, Student, Brookdale Community College.

Thinking back to my first speech class I wish I had a few tips like these to ease my anxiety. The suggestions above are excellent, and I thank all of the individuals who were kind enough to contribute to this article. I have taken their suggestions and added some of my own thoughts based on my own experiences as both a student and professor. I hope you find them helpful: Pick the Right Professor.Notice this doesn't say pick the "easiest" professor. You want to pick the professor that has a style best suited to your learning ability. Some professors are a little bit more laid back in their approach, but if you know you need more of a push to get things done, then that kind of person probably isn't best for you. If you're anxious and uncomfortable, pick a professor that makes you feel at ease in some way. The first day of the semester is key for deciding if the teacher and environment is a good fit for you; so make sure you pay attention, listen to details about the class and what is expected of you.

You are not alone in the fear of public speaking. In my travels, I have seen where the fear of public speaking have kept otherwise very successful people in all walks of life from achieving their full potential. When you let this fear dominate your life, you lose out on promotions, business opportunities, community activities, and most of all self-confidence.

Read Your Syllabus Carefully.A lot of students go into the first class hoping to get the syllabus and leave early. Some don't even pay attention to what's in it. The syllabus is an important contract between you and your professor. It goes over everything that's expected of you. You can plan ahead for how many speeches you will have to give, and how heavily each will be graded. If you're unsure of something, or an item on the syllabus makes you feel anxious talk to the professor after the first class. Never wait until the end of the semester to bring up concerns that you can address right away.

Try To Have Fun.When you're permitted to select your own topic for a speech choose subjects you enjoy and understand; ones that make you feel comfortable. It's okay to pick something you're already knowledgeable about, but chances are you will still be required to go get outside information. It doesn't make sense to pick a difficult topic to try to impress the professor, only to mispronounce words or get your facts wrong. A lot of professors will also implement activities to get you acclimated to being in front of the class. Many of them can be fun, if you keep an open mind. As to whether or not you'll be thrown into the fire and have to speak during the first meeting, that's up to each individual professor. I wasn't so kind; if you were in my class you were speaking from the first day on.

Slow down. A major factor that you will notice through your courses in public speaking is the tendency for amateur speakers to rush their speech, usually due to nervousness.Don't apologize to your audience. If you make a mistake, just keep speaking. Chances are that no one will even have noticed your flub, and if they do, it will make you appear more confident if you keep going.

Classroom learning via a public speaking school is beneficial in the area of speech preparation and its efficacy when delivered. People at most times find it more enticing to use an existing speech or make one out of a material that is already of public domain. What could be a predicament here is that there can't be maximum familiarity as opposed to a material which you have prepared on your own. Whether you choose to use one material over the other, in any case there is a need for extensive practice.Of the advantages of attending public speaking school one that is obvious is the ability to have feedback from other people prior to your actual public speaking stint. What can be aided here includes refining of your posture, making the proper eye contact and even the manner in which you speak. When speaking before an audience in a large room, you need to utilize a different method as the need to overcome the room size and length of space found between the audience and yourself is there. The use of a microphone also comes with the need for mastery using a different skill which your school in public speaking could help you with.

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