Thursday, October 17, 2013

Systems With Foods Grown Locally

By Megan Landry

Local food movements are popping up all around the world. These are a collaborative effort to create food economies that are based around local production and can self-reliant. Those who are avid supports are generally interested in purchasing foods, and other products, that are grown locally. They tend to have a preference for these goods instead of those that come from institutions that are corporatized.

There are numerous benefits that are available through addition of these economies. Most are meant to create sustainable distribution, processing, production and consumption. This is done with the intent to enhance the economic, social and environmental health within a specific region.

Food systems is defined as how the food reaches its consumers and its production. It may also be used to reference the food selections of people. The main components that are associated with these systems: biological, social or cultural, and economic or political. The term biological refers tot the organic process of producing foods. When it comes to moderation of participants and the control in a system, the terms economic or political are used. Social and cultural refers to the cultural and personal relations and values in a community and how that affects food use.

Local systems are recognized as an alternative to the traditional. They do not follow the global and corporate models that typically separates consumers and producers by retailers, shippers, manufacturers and processors. Traditional systems used have grown to be networks with great complexity. The goal of local systems is to raise food security while still ensuring social, ecological and economy sustainability within a community.

There are numerous reasons why people prefer these systems. Most programs associated with this movement offer convenience. People can do one-stop shopping and receive their food and products easily. There are some groups that even offer weekly deliveries throughout the growing season. Another perk is the freshness of the products. Products served in this manner are typically produced, cleaned, handled, stored and given out using processes that preserve the quality, character, texture and taste. Most are freshly harvested and safe.

Likewise, items that are grown locally are through to be sustainable. These goods come from local people and their gardens and farms. This is beneficial in that it ensures purchases from local economies and allows producers to diversify and strengthen their gardens and farms. Basically, it helps sustain local businesses.

There are critics of these systems. However, supporters are quick to make note of the economic, community and environmental positives that come of eating local. In terms of community, this type of set up encourages interaction between the locals. Environmentally, this involves minimally processed goods grown in season and locally, which is friendly to the world climate and requires less energy use. When it comes to the economy, these systems offer investments that provide social and economic opportunities for residents.

There are a lot of benefits that can come of using products or eating foods grown locally. There are people who criticize this approach. Still, many supporters of a local food system that boosts the community, environment and economy. People with interest in this should do a search to learn more about what is available where they reside.

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