Thursday, July 10, 2014

Identifying With The Best Equity Indexed Annuities

By Rosella Campbell

As a custom, investors channel their financial resources to avenues promising to generate the maximum returns while minimizing the risk exposure. Investing in best equity indexed annuities offers a platform upon which the investor will realize the potential gain as the market booms while erecting a protective shield to eliminate loss due in declining years. This platform allow the investor circumvent the loss attributed to market risks while realizing returns in years of moderate growth.

The policyholders of these annuities obtain a desirable trade-off between the portion of gains ceded and the guaranteed protection against risk exposure. However, spotting the best contractual terms is an ideal strike that the investor should attempt especially those preferring minimal exposure to market volatility. This forms the foundation of attracting conservative investors comprising both retired and individuals posed to retire soon. Owing to the reduced risk exposure, this proves a disciplined approach to invest and overcome the market risk.

The desirability of the contractual terms mandates performing a comprehensive analysis of the terms prior to forming an opinion on the best annuities. The contractual terms of the best products locates their foundation from the participation rate and minimum rate guaranteed on crash years. Equally, knowing the amount charged as administration fees and calculation platform serves an informative role to investors.

Primarily, the participation rate provides the turning point where an investor will derive the yield upon the maturity of the product. This rate exists as a growth percentage received upon the positive years. This suggests higher rates translate to more gain from the growth. Given that small variations have potential to influence returns, one should prioritize deriving the biggest piece through the rate.

Investors should embrace a product featuring a higher minimum rate receivable during the poor-performance period. This rate serves as a protection for the investors against incurring catastrophic losses while generating moderate growth. One should seek the contract stipulating the highest rate amongst the products on offer to secure the maximum earnings during crash.

The insurance organizations generate a cover of the losses experienced during upside years by capping the maximum earnings witnessed across the odd years. Avoiding rate cap placed on the extraordinary earnings would place the investor at an advantageous position. An investor should circumvent contract provisions that will eat into the baseline. Extracting more earnings during the moderate-growth years would counterbalance the high cap through a higher participation rate.

While there exist varying credit methods applicable during the determination of the annual returns, spotting those employing the favorable criterion helps realize more returns. Despite the inherent benefits posed by the high water-mark and point-to-point calculations, the annual reset locks the previous account from declining in subsequent years.

The equity-indexed annuity lacks the liquidity present in fixed and varying annuities. This compels investors to evaluate the terms for premature withdrawals to identify with generosity arising in some vesting schedules. Moreover, a product drawing minimum administration charges would safeguard the principal against potential erosion. This implies that annuities lacking administrative fees form the best alternative to avoid deductions imposed on the annual earnings of the investor.

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