Thursday, July 10, 2014

Organic Gardening Tips To Improve Your Family's Health

By Johnathan Black

Many people out there are literally only a few tips away from growing their own garden. If you've been browsing the web looking for real-deal gardening tips straight from organic experts, then you need to read this article right now. It's packed full of great tips that can help you grow the garden you've always wanted.

If you are planting vegetables, choose varieties that don't require processing in order to keep. For example, sweet potatoes and onions will keep for months as long as they are kept cool and dry, without any additional work on your part. This reduces the amount of time you have to spend after harvesting.

If you do not want to expose your family to harmful pesticides in your garden, consider using organic pesticides. Organic pesticides do not have the harmful chemicals commonly found in ordinary pesticides. Fragrant herbs like rosemary, basil, and mint are often disliked by pests, and they are good choices to plant around your garden to ward off pests.

For garden plants that crave and need a lot of water, use five gallon buckets to keep those thirsty fruits and vegetables happy. Simply drill or punch several 1/8" to 1/4" holes into the bottom of a five gallon bucket, fill with water and set near the parched plant. Gravity allows for a slow and steady watering of those plants and if you live in an area where you get frequent rain, you will be capturing plenty of rain water to keep those buckets fairly full all season long.

Check for weeds often in your garden as they will leech nutrients from the soil. Weeds can grow at a high rate of speed and overwhelm the resources available to your plants. Take the time to check for weeds at least twice a week to catch them while they are new shoots.

Clean your garden tools before you put them away. It seems strange to worry about keeping a gardening tool clean, but it's actually very important for the health of your plants. Tools that are put away while coated in dirt can harbor microbes and even insects that can be deadly to your plants.

Proper information is the key to proper gardening, so make sure you take stock of the tips you've just read in this article. If you can successful put these tactics into action, you will benefit greatly with a full and illustrious garden that you can be proud of. Make sure you use these tips and enjoy your garden.

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