Monday, March 16, 2015

The Unfair White Privilege Sports

By Leslie Ball

Diversity is one true privilege that every color, religion, or race must enjoy. This way, they are all granted with respect and rights that they deserve. The battle against racial discrimination is long and hard, yet it still exists up to this day. It is ridiculous how stereotypes classify themselves and others according to color and tradition.

The white race is certainly the most dominant color in all nations. There are a lot of divisions anywhere in the society because of this unfairly irrational dominance. There is a striking racial indifference in schools, at work, politics, and many others. White privilege sports is still in existence as well despite many blacks and Asian athletes excelling in many sports events.

A lot of diversion activists point out that the term white privilege is a form of racism in itself. No matter what aspect in the society, it is critical to include all other races and not emphasize dominance because there is no such thing as dominance. There is merely equality in the concept of inclusion and diversity.

There had been many instances in which people have been so proud about the culture and race they belong to that they end up insulting others. This is why other races are at war whether in words or with arms. Every culture wants to defend their integrity and rights. And this is also why there is so much indifference in this world.

Some areas in the society involves other races who have excelled and became famous. Take for example in sports. There are so many Asians and Black Americans or even cultural minorities who have become champions. They built their own names without relying on the so called race privileges. They struggled hard just to fit in and yet they still made it.

This term is like a brush that paints honor, privilege, and position with white. Some stereotypes are making this a standard even if it should not be. They are somehow making it a general rule or a generic.

In addition, the term is like a wall built between one race and a lot of other races. It is difficult to cross the line. In a work environment, for example, the wall makes it difficult for the business to advance. If workers have too much indifference, they will not be able to break this wall. And if they cannot break the wall, they will not be able to work together properly to achieve a single goal. They will be clouded with their own principles.

In schools, on the other hand, bullying persists. There had been a lot of bullying cases that are way overboard. Worst case scenarios can lead to brutal verbal abuse, physical abuse that cause minor to major injuries, and even death. This happens to many Black Americans and it affects their social interactions so much which affects their growth and psychological well being especially for children.

it is not enough that the society is simply aware of what is happening. There is a need to take full and sincere actions from different areas in the society like institutions, foundations, organizations, and most especially the government. In addition, none of the diversity aims will be attained if individuals will not take part in the cause.

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