Sunday, June 28, 2015

A Highlight On Black Bamboo Plants In Pots

By Ruthie Calderon

The fact that some individuals have no garden does not mean that they cannot have plants of their own. It is possible to carry out this activity in a container provided all the conditions required will be availed. Some indoor settings are decorated using indoor plants. There are important things that those who would like consider planting black bamboo plants in pots should know.

They have to ensure that the regularly water the bamboo in the pot. Watering should be carried out in the evenings and mornings when there is no much heat to minimize cases of the water to get evaporated. Special cans should also be used to ensure that the force in which water flows from them does not cause any damage on the plant. The pressure is likely to uproot it if high.

The plant will need some support when growing. Some pebbles are carefully places on its base to support the stem. Any type of pebble can be used be it normal stones or others. A support stick may also be pinned inside the pot and the stem made to lie on it. Some strings may be used to enhance the support.

Enough light has to be provided to the plant, the plot should be placed in an area where there is enough light. Cases whereby the growth occurs towards a source of light means that the plant is not receiving enough of it. Too much light should also be avoided since it is associated with heat which can dry it up.

There are certain types of diseases and pesticides that are known to infest black bamboos. The correct insecticides and pesticides should be applied on them in case there are signs of infestation. Rinsing the leaves with water is also likely to wash away small insects such as spiders and aphids.

Since the bamboo will be growing, it will reach a point where there will be need to transfer it to another pot or garden. This is the trickiest part in bringing it up since it is likely to dry up if it is not well carried out. The roots should be well uprooted with a lump of soil on them to ensure that they remain in place.

Weeds are likely to grow on the pot and hinder with the bamboo growth. Weed will compete for survival with plants and may lead to it drying or deteriorating in health. They are associated with pests and diseases. They are then weeded immediately they start growing. Care should also be taken not to mess with the bamboo roots.

Pruning is equally of importance. It is carried out to remove any excess leaves or stems in the bamboo plant. The ones to be pruned are those that are not good in health, dry or have been affected by pest. They are removed through cutting them of in the most appropriate way.

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