Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Encouragement Moves Mountains

By Evan Sanders

Encouragement matters. It really does.

We all need someone in our corner who believes in us when we are down and out. Life simply seems to do its thing and we get knocked down consistently. But your world can truly change when you have an encourager in your life. This individual is someone that truly believes in you and can bring you up when you aren't feeling great about yourself. This is someone who can remind you of who you are when you seem to forget.

Encouragement is the dose of support our world actually wishes.

Encouragement is significant. It is not motivation or inspiration, but instead it is about bringing in a pinch of light into peoples lives. If we can bring in some light to those who may not always have a support system or who are absolutely lacking encouragement in their day to day lives, well, then aren't we living a good life ourselves?

We reside in a place and time that focuses more on tearing others down than bringing them up. Gossip floods the news and people pay to watch others get destroyed. We adore watching others fall who've risen to extreme heights. Maybe it is due to the fact we want them to be back down at our level because we haven't risen ourselves? Who truly knows? But what I do actually know for sure is that many feel the need to bring darkness into peoples lives instead of light. That single fact is pretty upsetting when you think about it long enough.

This has to change. It truly has to change.

We must start promoting what we love instead of bashing what we loathe. If we do not we'll continue to observe our world fall to pieces at the seams until we have nothing left.

So take a stand for what you love.

Encourage Others.

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