Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Different Types Of Tarot Card Readings

By Ruthie Calderon

When looking to obtain information from a psychic, it can often be difficult to find one with a great deal of experience. In most cases, the best of the best are going to work out of private homes or offices. Although, there are certainly qualified psychics providing tarot card readings online, over the phone, in coffee shops, at festivals and entertainment districts around the world.

Most often, those working with tarot are going to be working in one of three different areas. These are one-on-one, over the phone or online. When it comes to those offering one-on-one readings, many can be found working in entertainment districts, festivals or out of private homes or offices.

The most questionable type of psychic readings are those performed over the phone. First, while it is possible, it is difficult to believe that a reader can connect with the energy of a client over the phone. Most often these so-called psychics are working for a corporation whose only goal is to make money. As such, if a client is not careful, these type readings can often lead to huge telephone or credit card bills in the future.

In some cases, these individuals may only receive a few cents per call. Whereas, in others, some may earn an hourly wage. Regardless, in all aspects of telephone hotlines, it is rare that an individual can earn an amount that is equal to minimum wage through more traditional avenues of employment.

The best psychics are often those found in entertainment districts and those whom work out of private homes or offices. Either way, these individuals are often the ones who also make the most money. In fact, most also charge less for a one-on-one reading than those working over the phone or online.

Regardless of the type of reading, psychics generally offer a number of different type readings. Most often, those using tarot offer clients a choice from two or more decks. As each deck has different visualizations and meanings, this is a good way for clients to connect with the chosen deck before each session.

Once the individual has selected a deck, the psychic then continues with one of a number of different layouts. While most often these layouts can be done with different decks, some decks host an informational card which provides information on which layouts work best with the deck. All decks host symbols which relate to air, fire, earth, water and Spirit though while some may use one symbol for an element, another deck may use different ones. To best understand decks which use alternate symbols, it is essential to read any booklets or other information provided with each deck.

While the Ryder-Waite is often a good starting point for beginners, experienced psychics often prefer to use decks with more detailed artwork and iconography. A few decks which are quite popular among more experienced readers are that of the Rohr and Haindl decks. While the Rohr deck from Switzerland is quite rare, the Haindl and other alternative and specialty decks can often be found online and in a number of bookstores and other shops dealing in spiritual tools.

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