Friday, June 26, 2015

A Quick Overview Of Volunteers In Agricultural Education And Outreach

By Ruthie Calderon

When professionals want to teach others about how important farming is near San Francisco, they will want to look for some ways to go about the task. With volunteers in agricultural education and outreach, men and women can quickly learn about the field. As long as each and every volunteer has a working knowledge of the industry, they should be able to get the job done.

Interested parties will need to have a good working knowledge of climatic zones. This means, in effect, that they will need to know which crops grow well in colder climates and which grow well in warmer climates. While almonds generally grow well in mild climates, spinach and lettuce are considered cold weather crops that can be planted early in the season.

Learning about irrigation methods will also be important. In fact, complex irrigation systems can be set up with the right tools and equipment. In some cases, large ranches and farms will have miles of pipes and drainage ditches. Small farms, which may be run by a single family, might also need to look to irrigation during certain months of the year.

The right tools and equipment will also need to be learned about. Harvesters and tractors, for example, will be crucial during the summer and fall. Tractors can drag plows that will turn over the soil before the actual seeds are planted. All farm machinery that is kept in superb shape will remain viable for many more years down the road.

If a farm is going to be overhauled so that it can be upgraded, volunteers who have degrees in finances will be able to help with some of the issues. Sticking to a budget that has been set up in advance will of course be among the most important parts of the process. Budgets should break down each expense so that nothing is left to chance. This way, there are no economic surprises at any point in the process.

Garden shows are a good place for volunteers to get their feet wet. In fact, they might bring samples of certain crops native to the area so that the larger public understands what is going on. These shows can be held at regular intervals so that everyone has a chance to enjoy them. Participants might also be able to sample certain crops to see how wonderful they taste. There is nothing quite like a fresh carrot that has just been pulled from the ground.

People should also be passionate about their work as volunteers. This means that they should be willing to do some research so that they can come out on top. Reading agricultural manuals that have been produced by various farming organization is an excellent start for most men and women.

In the end, getting some good volunteers to do agricultural outreach should not be too hard. As long as some basic interviews are conducted, organizers should be able to select individuals who they think will do a very good job. The volunteers can continue to build their knowledge data base so that they can contribute to the cause in the days ahead.

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