Friday, June 26, 2015

Advantages Of Green Therapy For People With Special Needs

By Ruthie Calderon

A mere twenty minutes walk in the park could do wonders to anyone, from stress relief, to fatigue relief and to those with special needs it is one big therapy that helps them to unwind. Green therapy for people with special needs has various benefits that treats the mind body and soul only through the environment. It enhances ones inner senses and encourages one to focus on the power and the positive energy given to the brain from the environment.

Green therapy as the name states involves the green earth. It involves the green leaves and the green matter on the earth. It involves the surrounding nature in totality as a package to humanity. It does not omit the fresh air that exists in the green leafy surroundings and also the animals. It is also known as eco therapy and also earth centered therapy this is because it inculcates every bit of the green earth into its curing remedial aid.

Depression is a common mind disorder that tends to slow down and makes one moody and easily aggravated. It is a condition that affects all kind of persons from those with special needs to those without any need that needs attention. As a cure to depression scientists are now advocating for earth centered form of treatment since they found out that out of a possible number of people with depression; this form of relief will cure seventy one percent of the number.

As the days go by so does the weather and seasons change and so does the mood vary. These changes in the mood lead to depression in most people. The seasonal affective disorder is one that affects people with special need due to the change in weather and at times change in mood; an example is sited where one has depression due to chilly weathers. This form of depression is treated by this relief since it creates an illusion of change.

This treatment has also been recently advocated for in the fight against obesity. As we all know obesity is a body condition where one has more weight than the body requires and tends to have fatal consequences if the condition is not contained. Eco therapists advocate the use of the green earth to help contain this condition. Affected patients are required to walk and exercise in natural setups as opposed to man-made setups.

Cancer is a disease that chooses no man no race and no status. It affects all humanity. As most patients undergo the treatment for the disease they tend to be hopeless and lack faith this is mostly due to the treatment they have to undergo. As they are recuperating the patients are advised to do so in a natural setup as it is known to heal them faster and also it heals the mind and the soul too.

Babies at their early stages of life are also very needy and fully depend on their parent. Their parents are advised to ensure that the babies bask for certain duration of time so as to ensure they are not short of vitamin D that is found from exposure to sunlight.

Eco therapy is a very necessary aid to anyone since mother nature also heals and basically just provide remedial practices that can be used for seeking treatment; therefore, this exercise should not be taken lightly instead it should be given the credit it deserves.

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