Sunday, February 14, 2016

Growing Our Wings And Taking Flight

By Evan Sanders

When I sit back and look at all now, I begin to understand what this was all about. This 5 years of writing. This 5 years of exploring. The constant effort of shedding old skin and learning what was going to be evoked in me.

You see the great transformation throughout your entire life.

Those experiences, as tough as they are sometimes free you up into becoming the person who you were destined to be. They give you the opportunity to step into new moments.

There are real possibilities in front of you when you are freed up from your past.

New fire comes into your heart when possibilities enter into your life and you actually take the opportunities head on. You might be scared at first, but you have to step into your moments that you deserve.

Don't worry about being different than everyone else. Instead, be proud of the fact that you are heading in a completely different direction than everyone else and paving paths that have never been traveled upon before.

I've known I was a bit different since I was little...and I used to not like that...But now I love it. Now I realize that's exactly where my magic is and I cherish it being there. That's the thing that's going to help me get to the stage on day and touch hearts.

There's something to be said here about trust as well. I've been asking myself the question of what trust really means to me a lot lately and I've been discovering where my definitions really exist. It's hard to trust in something when you can't see it...but I think it makes it even more valuable when you can really trust in those same things you cannot see.

When you live in a world of faith, you start to trust in the universe and how it always takes care of things. You begin to trust in the process and feel like you are taken care of by something much bigger than you.

These changes take time. But...they are so worth it.

About the Author:

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