Saturday, February 13, 2016

Strategies For A Smart San Antonio Landscape Design

By Richard Kennedy

Landscaping your garden is an effective approach of bringing nature close to you. The outward appearance of your home speaks volume about your personality. You may probably assume to succeed in landscaping you must be trained. However, you should know picking plants from the nursery and transferring them to your garden is part of designing process. To reduce the number of error if you are doing the designing by yourself, consulting San Antonio landscape design expert is a good idea. Conduct intensive research before embarking on designing your garden. The garden should match with architectural design of your house.

When choosing a landscape design takes into consideration possibility of bringing into the compound heavy machinery in the future. The selected design should make your home accessible. Pool removal, remodeling, and junk removal are some of the activities that may call for bringing monstrous machines. Imagine the feeling of having to cut down trees that you have cared for years in order to create a space for safe passage of the machines. If you have no particular design in your mind, experienced designers in the city San Antonio, TX can help you.

Creativity is a key ingredient during the selection of an appropriate focal point. An elegant view is achieved when unique plants are used as focal point. However, you should avoid using plants that have exaggerated colors. You can decide to use a specimen tree or a statue, but your garden will not appear unique. You can implement a design that you saw in the compound of your neighbor or friend.

The disadvantage of formalizing your landscape is that you will need to prune the plants and maintain them on a regular basis. When plants are allowed to exceed the recommended height, the formal nature of the garden will be neutralized. Therefore, formal garden are expensive in terms of maintenance require. Make your garden simple, but maintain creativity. Make a point of incorporating unique curves, but avoid overdoing. Companies that maintain nurseries of plants of wide range of species are available in San Antonio, TX.

The ecosystem should guide you during the designing process. Make sure all the aspects of nature are considered. For example, you can incorporate ornamental grasses strategically to add movement in your garden. Flowering plants and berry producer that attracts insects and birds respectively should be incorporated.

Make sure your house matches with your garden. You can paint the house with paintings that resembles the color of plants and flowers in the garden. The garden should be trimmed after every month depending on the rate of growth.

Existing features such as overgrown shrubs and mature tree should not interfere with your landscaping process. By removing the unwanted vegetation, you might find a good sunny spot for establishing either a vegetable or a rose garden. Designing around existing features robs the landscape its beautiful appearance.

Due to the large number of plant species available, you will be faced with challenge of choosing the moderate growing and drought resistant ones. Those that are fat growing should be avoided since they will require regular pruning. Experienced designers are present in San Antonio.

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