Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Best Inspirational Womens Blogs To Read

By Dennis Anderson

Studies have shown that the internet has great influence on purchasing decisions. The same should obviously apply to personal issues. This makes inspirational womens blogs a little like those sharing circles girls used to have a while ago. They offer support and encouragement. They help ladies face even the toughest of issues to sift through the internet and find a similar story from a person they barely know but admire greatly. Most of the subjects addressed in such platforms cut across demographics.

The question of how far one can go as a lady in the corporate world is a valid one. The bigger issue is why there is a ceiling, to begin with, but then that cannot be solved in one try. The platform can, however, help the ladies stylishly and gracefully crash through the glass ceiling with their feminine awesomeness. Encourage the ladies out there to keep doing what they are doing and not let society place a limit on their success.

Some ladies may decide that really the whole family situation with children and a husband is not appealing in any form. They, therefore, make a conscious decision to not go in that direction. However, because society likes to have expectations. She is stigmatized and frowned upon for not being traditional. For wasting her ovaries. For being an old hag. Here is a funny one, for being a spinster. Let the readers know that whatever life directions they decide to take is of no concern to anyone but them. That they should answer to no one but their own selves.

After work, a lady goes home to yet another job. She has to pay attention to the children and their needs, then she has to sort out other home affairs. Unless the husband is a really supportive man, she ends up burnt out because she simply does not have time for self-reflection and rest. She has to contend with the constant judgment from fellow mums who stay home for their children. Then she suffers the side eye from ladies at work where fellow females wonder why she is wasting potential on a family.

Sexual harassment in the workplace is rampant. It has always been in the background but lately, there have been stories after stories of horrible ways in which ladies are made to earn professional progression. Go down or get lost, so to speak. When a lady makes a report, she is stigmatized and sidelined. Allow survivors of such events to come out and help someone navigate the same waters.

To effectively motivate and encourage someone, they must see you. The real you, no facade no mask. Therefore, ensure a degree of vulnerability on the platform. Let the readers see that the host seems to have it all but she still struggles. That they can be, will be and are okay despite all the struggles that come with having the X-chromosome.

For a story to not only be heard but also understood, it must be well written. It must hit all the right tones. It must appeal to an intrinsic part of the reader. One should also ensure the writing is excellent. That the messages are clear. Do not be a know-it-all. Invite suggestions to questions asked by readers.

Do not enforce the stereotype that ladies are all about drama. Stay away from drama. Stay away from negative controversy. Do not allow comments that dig on a fellow commenter or community member.

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