Sunday, July 29, 2018

Access Consciousness Facilitator Is Social Business As Usual

By Janet Brooks

The struggles of social abortion effects do not only affect the women it has an effect and an outcome on men as well. The legal rights of forcing women to have an abortion or to carry thru with the pregnancy cannot be forced upon any female by a male. With all of this mentioned above, it does lead to men feeling powerless and as if they have been deprived by their legal rights when they have offered and agreed on raising the child. Protection and provide is seen as the role of men. However, abortion has shuttered that role for many men. This has left the men of today with confusion. Clarity can come from being aided by an access consciousness facilitator to better understand the situation.

The amount of pressure that society places upon a person may lead to the increase in abortions. A specific race or sex might have an influence on the mentioned above. The stigmatization of individuals who have disabilities and the lack of positive and insufficient economic support from families can often develop into the cause and results of compulsory abortion.

These men of today who might be guilty of forcing some women to the abortion stage often has consequences. The pressure of men after they have forced some women towards an abortion often leads to the feeling of neglecting their natural instinct as men to provide and offer protection towards the unborn child. This can become an unruly later in life when their prime of life takes place. The above-mentioned men see it as more obvious when maturity takes place and it gives them the opportunity to look back at the actions he took.

During pregnancy, the feeling of excitement may be overflowing, but merely the thought of motherhood can be a stressing factor. To bring a new life to life is not only a big thing for females but it plays a role in her whole life and everybody included. Socially single moms don t easily get accepted because the figure of a dad and protecting element is missing. Some women understand this opinion and are socially forced to abandon the foetus because of less to none support given.

There are occasions that men are victims of abortion abuse and they often suffer from anger and grief. The men often feel helplessness about their lives when the opportunity of being a father is taken away from them. The system that was created due to circumstances has denied the right for them to be involved in the unborn life or death decision towards the child s life.

There are unfortunately certain situations where the men merely wanted sex without any obligations and this causes the men to force women to have an abortion because of what they wanted and to for fill their intentions. The above mentioned has been the end of the line for many women because who they thought might be their prince charming turned out to be the villain of their fairy tale of love that women had put together in their heads.

The worst way that teenagers have been affected by abortion is when they have found out that their mother has had an abortion before. The thought arises to them that the abandoned child could have been them. These teenagers usually feel a burden of expectation and they feel it is hard to live up to them because they often feel like the abortion survivors.

Society has labelled pregnancy to a certain age and the ability to finance- wise to sustain them. In a certain aspect, this has caused many women to see themselves as worthless because of the opinion that these factors sustain. The relief feeling is felt due to a child being seen as slowing people down and the view that children have an effect on your life s capacity, in terms of what your time is spent on and what your success relies on. This is yet another misperception that has been socially made. This causes many women to try and justify their decision while others are urging her on.

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