Thursday, July 26, 2018

Answering The Question Am I A Hoarder?

By Maria Wright

There are a lot of people who like to hoard stuff simply because of habit or because they are just plain messy. However, there are some people who are compulsive hoarders. This is actually a form of obsessive compulsive disorder and one of the main causes as to why they do not get any cleaning done. For those who are asking themselves the question Am I a hoarder, check out these signs.

In order to determine whether one seems to have a problem or not, one must first check if he or she can actually let go of stuff. There are people who are just lazy to do it and some people who actually cannot. If one does not want to get rid of worthless junk and still keeps on adding to the pile, then there probably is a problem.

Another thing to watch out for would be whether one has accumulated stacks of stuff in the house but hardly use any of them. This could include something big like furniture, something small like canned goods, or probably even old carton boxes. As long as one sees that he or she has too much stuff in the house and too little leg room, then it may already be a sign.

Now, if one does not mind throwing out stuff that does not belong to him or her then it is also another sign. Usually, people with the hoarding OCD will only have trouble getting rid of their own things. But if one is very particular with his or her own things and not at all particular with others, then it is another indication.

For those who seem to notice a strange growth of molds or mildew in their homes because of things that have been there for ages, that is a sign. It is not just a sign, but a very unhealthy and hazardous sign. In fact, some people who exhibit the behavior might even have mushrooms growing underneath the stuff they own.

This kind of behavior may also affect ones relationships as well if not attended to early on. One will notice that he or she will get pretty irritable if ever there are family or friends calling out his or her attention. For those who kind of hate people interfering with this sort of behavior, seek help early already.

Of course, this irritable and defensive behavior would eventually lead to social isolation. If a person feels like he or she wants to be alone with his or her stuff most of the time, then it could be a tell tale sign of a hoarding OCD. He or she will especially notice this if his or her friends would point it out.

If a person is already noticing some of these signs, then it is already a very good indication that he or she has a problem. Of course, the best thing to do is to curb this problem by undergoing some sort of therapy. If one does not take care of this problem early, then it could lead to a lot of problems in the future.

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