Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Finer Points Of A Poem Commission

By Timothy Allen

Humanity likes to believe that it exerts control over the world. This is true to some extent. Humanity can and does indeed often exert control over its surroundings. Of course, this control is limited. There are some things to do not lend themselves well to human intervention. Yet there are also some things that do lend themselves well to human intervention. Things like beauty. The world is full of it, and naturally so, but that does not mean that humanity cannot create more of it. Indeed, it often does, sometimes through a poem commission.

Poems are words. But they are also so much more than mere words at the same time. They are sentences, but simple sentences do not make prose. They rhyme, but rhyming is not the end all be all of poetry.

A commission is a fee. That is actually the root of it. A person pays an artist a certain amount, and then the artist then creates a piece of art. Now, the kind of art created can vary on the specifications of the customer. Many of the great artistic matters of the Renaissance worked under such conditions. Many of these works are still preserved today, to be enjoyed by all kinds of people.

There a multitude of reasons for commissions. For one, not every single person on the face of the planet is going to have an artistic inclination. They can appreciate it, yes. But they are not inclined to create it. So they hire people who are, people who may not have steady jobs because they are pursuing their art.

Poems have a lot of purpose. But they are mainly there for prose, the prose that helps moves hearts and minds. There main use is to be heard, read, and then analyzed at length by graduate students.

Poets do not grow on trees. They can found in certain places, however. Places such as a cafe, but it would probably have to be an indie cafe, and they are most common during the local open mic night. Of course, they can also be found around college campuses. Then there is the internet, as they all kinds of artists can be found online.

Starving artists should be a thing of the past. The fact is that poets are people, and as people, they have needs, which are going to cost money in order to be met. Besides, a commission is explicitly about money, about how one party is paying money to the other in exchange for an artistic service.

But of course, the poet should be skilled. Any person with basic linguistic skills can put words together to form a sentence. They can then put those sentences together to form a verse. But that does not mean that the verse produced will be good. It just means that it will be there. Then again, artistic talent is subjective, so maybe samples should be examined before hiring anyone.

The world is something that can be made beautiful. But that beauty comes at a cost. Some people can create, can make things pretty. But the people who cannot can hire those from the first group. It can cost a little bit of money, it can take a little bit of time, but it can be done, and it can be done well.

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