Tuesday, July 24, 2018

How To Know What Is My Calling

By Kimberly Richardson

It is very common for people to say that they do not know what their calling is or that they have not found their purpose in life. Although a lot of people are searching for that path that they want, not many people find it because of whatever reason. For those who are serious about answering the question what is my calling, these tips can be of big help.

The first thing to do is to realize that the past is nothing but a lesson to learn. Most people never find their true purpose in life because they cannot let go of who they were before or of an event that scarred them in the past. The first step to finding true purpose would be to first accept the present, look toward the future, and most important of all, let go of the past.

During this stage, one should never be afraid to try out many different things. Most of the time, ones true vocation is not the path that he or she is currently walking on. If one really wants to try to find his or her vocation, then he or she should be open to trying out as many new things as possible. When he finds the right path, he or she will just feel it and gravitate toward it.

Just like being open to try different things, one must also strive to meet many different kinds of people as well. One will definitely learn something by meeting many people because he or she has the chance to look at different perspectives. While he or she is maturing, meeting new people will bring him or her a newfound openness to the many things life offers.

Now if one has found a few activities that he or she enjoys and may think about making one a true vocation, then he or she has to have a why. The why is basically the reason he or she feels strongly about the activity in the first place. If the driving force is not strong enough, then it cannot be a vocation.

Having a goal and having a driving force is very good, but having a is not the only thing one should do to have a vocation. One must also make sure that his or her goal can be done. If the goal is not feasible, then the goal will be nothing more than just another dream that cannot be reached.

For those still struggling to find the true path, one thing to always remember is that there are many out there. In fact, it is possible for a person to choose more than one path and have more than one vocations. It is really more of knowing which one to put more focus on at the moment.

It is definitely not an easy task for a person to find out his or her true calling although it is a very fulfilling one. However, one must remember that finding the right path takes looking out of the box and getting out of the comfort zone. It is only through doing this that one will know what his or her purpose is.

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